Why does blizz insist on forcing people to nolife WoW to get r14 gear?

you want a cookie?

Uh oh…incoming “You’re all idiot children morons” comment

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You can make it a time sink without forcing all the time to be sunk at once. You can allow people to spread it out.

How is this hard to understand?

You have to be intentionally being thick.

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ofc it is, hes got no argument but thinks hes the smartest one in the room. He needs to learn how to shut his mouth.

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So I see you are on the post quantity over quality approach.

There’s no point of continuing this discussion. It’s already been pointed out that you can reach ranks 12-14 semi casually in SOM. Just stay at bracket 7 and above for 6 months or so and you will eventually get it.

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im yet to see a quality one of yours. Do you expect me to actually put time and effort to a response that doesnt deserve one?

woot you got yours in 4 days your very proud of that obviously…

4 days to get gear that doesn’t matter to them… that’s what i personally would call an idiot…

Since that is not the same as allowing people to work at their own pace then it isn’t the same as what the OP was asking for.

So there is room for discussion.

You can leave if you wish though. No one will care.

They have no reason to cater more to the crying folk then they have. The grind has already been reduced.

Why are you crying for more?

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you dont have to be r14 in 12weeks ar 6 weeks make it a 6 month gole and you can do it a bit at a time

Don’t think I was crying. I have stated I’m not going to farm the gear regardless of what is changed.

So are you lost?

This is just a debate about ways to change the system.

I know it isn’t being fixed for this season of SoM.

Because a moonkin moonfired him to death so he went to a pve realm.

That’s exactly what working at your own pace is. If you cant handle bracket 7 then you shouldn’t be pvping for rewards at all. And if you decide to take some breaks? It’ll be 8 months instead of 6…but that’s going at your own pace.

cry more. you wouldnt get to 60 anyways

That is like your opinion man.

You can leave now. You expressed your opinion on the subject and I don’t agree with it.


I had 4 60s in classic.

weve been waiting for you to leave 100 comments ago, when are you going to leave?

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I know that is what your goal is. But you can post all you want. It doesn’t affect me. Well other than me laughing at you.

I see you’re still butthurt over our past differences. Are you still in denial over the new system in SOM or did it finally sink in that you’re not gonna have your TBC hand holding pre patch pvp that you cried about having the last month and a half?