Why do you think they changed the Sin'dorei?

Having the Sunwell back is not a good thing. We could not protect it when we were at the top of our game and now we only have a fraction of elves left in Silvermoon.

If you taint the Sunwell like before you could poison an entire race. We are forever trapped by the Sunwell, Velen did not help us he cursed us.

The issue is more so the lack of story and attention given to the Blood Elves than Velen or the renewed Sunwell cursing the Blood Elves.

We’ve been given stories ad nauseam on Jaina and how good she is at magic. Has been given titan power upgrades and artifacts to do things, and makes some of the Horde’s magic users, who have been practicing for centuries if not millennia, look like apprentices.

We’re not shown that Blood Elves are almost unrealistically stronger near the Sunswell than further away from it. Not something that is in the story, but could be an interesting development.

We’re not shown Spellbreakers using the Sunwell and arcane magic to shutdown other magic users nearly to an extent we should.

We’re also talking about a people who actually had a pretty lock solid defense, but it was really only Arthas, the potentially world ending Lich King, with the help of a traitor (later added, I know) that actually got them through. Otherwise, the Elves would have been fine. I think you’re kinda taking it out of context, in addition to Blizzards general neglect.


The Blood Elves’ strongest “weapon” is ban’dinoriel, which is possible to get up running against with the Sunwell intact. A shield that is presumeably impenetrable by any outside forces, and took a traitor from inside to get rid of.

I fully agree with this and you described one of my main problems with it. I would like to see the Blood Elves using the light simply like they would arcane magic, not as a cult. I would like to see more differences between different races, believes etc. It’s sadly homogenized very much so. Legion showed this all to well for the classes and races.

You described the lack of stories or attention to the player races and I think you are right with this assessment as well. The world building feels lackluster and the story seems stagnating.

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Liadrin disagrees but I guess you know best fellow Blood Elf.

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That’s mostly because they won’t give any screentime to the magisters or Farstriders or, well, anyone apart from Liadrin when it comes to combat stuff. Lor’themar is only around to praise Baine and Calia and suck face with Thalyssra these days, and Aethas Sunreaver is a joke.

Though to be fair—say whatever else you like about him, but Lorash isn’t a light hippie.