Why do you hate BM hunter

What did we do to make you hate us so much.

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You were born.


Prob something like this


Some of those clips are hilarious.

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Sadly even this was more balanced and more diverse than current arena XD

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Back in mop when you heard the loud horn noise followed by the group of ravenous npc beasts running at you… I still have nightmares


Because its mechanics promote cowardly gameplay. The onlytime pets should be a significant portion of your dps is when you have to engage in melee combat or cast. Kiting while pet does damage is laughable


Bm hunt meta is awful tbh


unkillable casters that sit in middle of map an spam nukes and cc on you is a lot less fun to face than squishy bm hunter and even then killing the pet is super easy off passive cleave alone.


No thank you I would rather be able to hit unkillable casters mid map than watch a bm hunt run around a pillar all game with all instant damage


btw bm needs los to do damage, even kill command cant be used anymore without los of the pet, it frustrates me quite a bit as marks who doesnt give a crap about pet that i cant use my freedom unless pet is in my los. bm is not as faceroll as it used to be, pets can be cced during bw and cooldowns they also dont have a lot of mobility. bm requires full hunter interaction to do any meaningful dps and requires being in los of the pet.


Maybe because bm isnt so faceroll anymore is why its not all that viable. Maybe thats why people hate the spec

except the pet is like a visual dot…majority of the damage requires los and buttons to be pressed on your own hotbar which uses a gcd. that is not pet damage even though the logs said the pet did it(kill command for example is a hunter attack with the disadvantage of needing a pet on the field to use it). pet damage are auto attacks and bite. that’s it. probably less percentage of their damage than sw pain.

go afk and the pet isn’t even getting through passive healing.


doubt it. My pet on my surv hunter is often my 2nd or 3rd top damage. Doubt its less on bm

it’s in the numbers, man. auto attack and bite should not be 2nd on your damage unless you’re afk. and even if it was second, you would have a crapload of abilities on your list so second could still mean 10%.

ktiing while the pet does damage is not any different than kiting while a boomkins dots tick. the only difference is the pet is seen while having the disadvantage of needing to be in melee.

all the abilities that cause the bm pet to actually do damage require gcd’s and abilities to be pressed on the hunters hotbar with los. the same as a mage casting fireblast.

pet damage sucks, so bm’s suck, what a revelation.


except you can talent into passive fear and horror immunity during bw
its still an incredibly dumb spec, it just isnt meta (thank god)


I guess in pvp you are right. Pet damage is heavily nerfed in pvp. Which is reasonable.

BM needs love, i hate when physical ranged is a dot spec

Leave that mess to casters and assassin

cmon now
i know you know that peeking out from behind a pillar every time the gcd comes up to press an instant like kill command or barbed shot is barely requiring los, let alone “full hunter interaction”

yeah me too i’m glad we can all agree that melee with 40 yard arms is a dumb idea that 2019 blizzard can’t possibly be trusted to balance even to the degree they “balance” other things and the hunter class was a mistake top to bottom

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The pet is like a dot. but they are going to nerf out Boomkin and Shadow just like they have done to Affliction. BM should be just as good as any other class in arena or rbgs, when you try excluding players that enjoy a play style you going to lose players. How is a Hunter pillar humping while doing damage any different than a healer playing peekaboo throwing out heals…one is accepted the other is not…class design is horrible or purposely nerfed. Game use to be all inclusive to how players enjoyed the game and numbers were balanced. we now have so many specs across our classes most people wouldnt think to try and compete on. We players have ruined the game, we now nerf numbers and play design

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