Why do we continue to re-learn flying?

Yeah, back when you couldn’t just slip Blizzard $20 and buy it as soon as you hit level cap…

Same as above… unless you were coming in with mounds of gold (from previous playing) or from risking getting your account banned… you groundpounded most of the zones. (Because as I recall, my first level 80 cleared Howling Fjord, DragonBlight, Grizzly Hills, ZulDrak, Shalozar, and most of Icecrown before getting flying. (I remember it being a pretty momentous occasion… I was questing at the Fleshwerks when I finally got the cash to buy Northrend flying.)


Hit Max in less than a day, and if I hadn’t already, slip blizzard $20 to invalidate all their ground artwork.

That’s an interesting opinion… but an opinion none-the less.
Not everyone feels like Invalidating all the terrain and interactions on the ground from the outset is a good thing. (World PvPers especially.)

Have you seen some of the interviews with the Game Director . All of this makes sense in his world .

i guess our mounts forgot how to fly?

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THe lack of flying was the start of the mass unsubbing during WoD and the lack of content was due to Blizz having a failed preconception that they could actually get a new expansion out to us around 1 year after WoD launched .

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This also ties into why this philosophy will never get any less egregious.

Every single time you come across a situation where flight would be an asset you’re immediately reminded of how the current paradigm sucks and how far the developers have fallen. The constant reminder of the fundamental nature of the failure is inherently built in.

Going from, “we’re going to sculpt beautiful sprawling landscapes for you to drink in from on high” to “uuuuuuuugh, designing things for three whole dimensions is too haaaaaaaaaard!!!” remains their most awful devolution.


Because we will have SO much more fun if we explore on foot! I really like it when others measure and decide what’s fun for me.


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We need a Dread Lord to infiltrate Blizz

Similar to the titans,the devs, the naaru and their keepers are singular in purpose. Their adherence to a linear path is an obvious shortcoming.

They savor nothing more than being proved right, so if they believe they have converted one of us to their precious Light or their passive ability tree borrowed power system they will trust that agent implicitly.

If my gyrocopter, an unthinking machine, cannot fly, it’s because I forgot how to make if fly. So, yeah, that feels good. I’m the world-saving champion who doesn’t recall how to hit the “up” button.


Good thing those players don’t have to if they don’t want to. You don’t like flying? Great, stay on the ground but don’t force me to do it too.


Umm, token sales didn’t start until WoD. What are you talking about?

That’s…how we want it to work now. Do the zones, hit max level, get flying. EZ.

Wrong again. You can’t buy flying.

Then stick to the ground yourself. Your opinion is you like being on the ground. Stay there. Nobody is making you fly.

Problem is that it makes the ground barren.

Nobody HAD to stay in their Garrisons for all of WoD… but they did, and it killed any sense of population in the expac.

(Why do you think they sharded servers so you see people from other servers even if they’re not connected? To make sure the MMO actually feels like it has more than 1-2 people in it.)

But I cannot have fun my own way unless everyone else is having fun MY way too! It isn’t that I don’t want to fly, I specifically don’t want YOU to fly!


Oh look, the same pro flying arguments that have all been debunked in previous threads. Don’t you guys get tired of trolling?

That’s a problem because?

That’s because we couldn’t fly for more than a year into WoD.

Still waiting on that answer. You won’t give it though. You know any “answer” you give would be ripped apart by logic. It’s trolling 101.

I could see you were clearly trolling. Not going to respond to trolls.

I wonder if you understand irony.

Our mounts actually have short term memory loss that we have to buff at the start of each expansion/patch when they forget how to fly again. It’s sad really. :frowning:

Since Anon didn’t provide an example,

I’ll give you a similar scenario with a MMORPG that got hype now, there’s people that don’t like flying on WoW and that’s similar when people mention about the teleport around with currency on FFXIV and that they wish the same system for WoW instead of flightpaths…etc

I really don’t like that teleport around on WoW, i didn’t like it on Argus too much but at least those zones were small, i prefer using a mount, cities portals and flight paths, compared to people asking for a way to teleport to any inkeeper, i know the pluses like wasting less time but also i like the inmersion of Warcraft and also like that system on FFXIV because it’s different even his design with a lot of load screens…etc enable that design better.

while WoW enable changing zone flying and other strong points that FFXIV doesn’t have because of its design.

I agree, but that doesn’t always work. It would, in Shadowlands. But not in WoD, Legion, BFA, because zones that aren’t in same patch aren’t always separated by a loading zone. Tanaan Jungle is probably the main offender here, but Broken Shore, Mechagon, they’re just a flight away and I’d rather they have me on the ground until I can fly in both, instead of dealing with invisible walls and dropping out in parachutes like Wintergrasp did.