Hi. For my own edification, which developer is the one you’re rightly dissing by their own conduct?
Play a Rogue.
Then, go to any other Class, and add flying.
Same result. Just for non-Rogues, flying is a workaround.
two posts. neither of them had an answer.
let me give you your answer for you.
you want to bypass any resistance, cherry-pick rewards in the forms of chests, tablets and quest mobs.
you also want the enemies to be organized in a traditional 2-D format, with walls you can fly over, outdoors content you can fly in and out of, no grappling hooks, no dismounting birds or cannons or anything like that.
in reality, if everyone could swim/fly, the architecture would be developed completely different. But you’re not here to ponder what an advanced society of minions of the First Ones would look like, are you?
I think you only want to fly to skip content. No other reason.
By pass tedium, yes.
Once we’ve traversed the areas on foot once through the story there is literally ZERO value in keeping us on the ground to keep doing it. It becomes tedium. There’s no challenge in tedium. Only time wasted for no reason.
Flying. Does. Not. Skip. Content. Flying doesn’t give you any character power. Flying doesn’t do the content for you.
Flying gets you to content. There is no reason to be grounded more than the first time through. What possible benefit is there to being grounded going to the same places daily? Tell me that. If you can…
so grappling hooks and bird pats are ok?
Who is flying to “skip content”?
How is everyone that plays this game this incredibly dumb that flying is even a question? There’s no logical argument against it. Period.
If you don’t see why flying needs to always stay, your brain is damaged. It’s faster than running or mounting, for starters. It avoids intentionally or poorly placed mobs that are annoying AF like Voxiferous. It lets you get to things faster. It lets you farm nodes easier because you can actually find them. It lets you quest faster when you can choose what route to take around the game, instead of having to deal with incompetent, ridiculously designed flight paths like Stormwind to Vash’jir. It lets you alt tab or AFK safely without having to run ALL the way back to a safe zone or outpost. And many more reasons.
this is incorrect, “skipping content” is the argument against it.
i know, I am a player.
also, check your 'tude.
No. You’re a troll and the way you play the game isn’t the way everyone else plays the game. You’re just spewing myopic trash for literally no good reason because you want the game to cater only to your playstyle despite 16 years of proof that you’re the minority. Not to mention everything you’ve said is a fallacy.
If content can be “skipped” then it wasn’t important, was it? Tell me, what has ever been skippable by flying? Can you name a single thing?
What can you skip in Shadowlands by being able to fly? Oh, right, nothing.
What can you skip in BFA by flying? Nothing, because you can’t fly in BFA without doing every quest in the entire expansion pack at least 17 times.
What can you skip in TBC by flying? Nothing, because you had to be 70 to fly anyway.
I could keep going but people like you don’t understand how debate works so I’ll find something better to do.
Blizzard does not know and cannot read its playerbase when it needs to do so.
By all means, you want proof?
Shadowlands. I rest my case.
only ok when you do it. gotcha,
“When I do it” i.e how the overwhelming majority of players want to play - by being able to fly when and where they want.
Thanks. I’ve played longer than you. I’ve absolutely done my forced time on the ground doing every quest and rep grind imaginable. Kindly sod off.
this is incorrect. playing since vanilla.
Yea, I doubt that.
Robokappa, has Blizzard ever done wrong by WoW and Azeroth in your eyes?
If only we had some sort of council, like with members of the community that could ask these questions. Man that would be something.
Council is only for yes-men and their personal desires.
To blizz flying is a resource and they’re going to leverage it against us, so we’ll play more.
As predicable as ever, you don’t answer the question and post more contrarian nonsense.
Blizzard isn’t a good game developer.
Building zones around the players eventually having flying is the way they should proceed.
Of course, they won’t. To Blizzard, it would seem that the players are the villains. Truly LOOK at all the quests. Since when have the players not been totally portrayed as “Murder-hobos” of the worst order?
If blizz can leverage it for more #timeplayed, they will