Why do we continue to re-learn flying?

I started using it after watching the multiple botters plow through groups of mobs while making their farming circuits while I was getting dazed by every damn thing.

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Because a lore reason has to be resolved with lore. And talking to an npc as a resolution is nonsensical. If they had a lore reason fixed by lore, you’d be right back here complaining about the lore fix.

Picture this. Alliance’s forces are assaulting Zandalar with cannons, it prevents you from flying. The only way to fly is to defeat Jaina.

Could you imagine the crapstorm?

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That actually sounds a lot more interesting to me than the current format. ^


This is how the world feels now.
It is NOT engaging. It’s annoying. Annoying ≠= difficult nor “engaging”.


Picture this. Shadowlands starts. You already get stopped by the caretakers in Oribos so that they can loredump on you. As they’re already talking to you, one of them mentions that due to the anima being drained from the air, flying through the air for outsiders not attuned to the lands of death is unfortunately impossible unless you are granted a boon from one of the factions.

Then you hit the already-existing mechanic of 40 reputation levels or whatever it was, and when you turn in the quest to get your mount the NPC text has an extra line that says, “We will grant you the technique of flying in the Shadowlands because you have earned our trust, and we’ve communicated our approval to the other factions.”

Bingo bango bungo. Done. You guys are really trying to make it a lot more cumbersome than it would need to be.


Blizzard’s game designers have no idea how to make a game fun and keep it fun. They even removed the Mage Tower. They’re so clueless.

Sorry. Every single time I see or hear someone say that, I can’t help but say the quote. Especially in WoW.


good question…10k gold isn’t exactly a lot anymore…but i’d pay anything reasonable.

if it’s day 1 not timegated - 10k gold seems reasonable for a license…and free if you wanted to do it via storyline (but it unlocks as soon as first chapter of story is done)

1000g per character would be fair.

The cost of flying in this game has never been pegged to WoW’s rate of gold inflation, no matter what the weirdos in this thread say, and has a far lower cost of entry now than it did when it was first implemented back in BC.


Bingo. Being able to noclip from point A to point B kills the world.
The general obsession with efficiency isn’t healthy.

I feel i explore more when I can fly.

Otherwise im just riding to point B grumbling about being dazed. I dont even notice the world just the trash im trying to avoid


Well, it shouldn’t be less than the previous cost of flying should it? MoP flying was 2500g so 10.0 flying should be at least that.

I think there’s logic can be formed that the new territory is dangerous and difficult to understand/navigate for various reasons. WoTLK sold this as cold weather flying, but they never really invested further into the RP sense of why we spend time learning to fly. Closest they ever came back to that was the maw mount. They could go deeper into this route and eventually let you use any mount at a later date, but that might not be worth the battle.

Once you go down this rabbit hole you can start begging the question of why do we need max level. Why can’t level 1s fly. Why can’t level 1s mount, etc.

There’s obvious gameplay decisions made for these, they just have to make sense and feel reasonably understandable which is why the current iteration of “You’re allowed to fly when we release the achievement that unlocks it” feels like crap. They can release pathfinder every expansion if they actually invested time into creating an RP reason why we have to do and have it obtainable on launch.

It’s unfortunate that this is now managements philosophy behind game design.

True, but still unfortunate.

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See that’s another nonsensical reason to suddenly allow flying. Teaching you the technique without actually teaching you. To me, that reason would be far worse than no reason at all.

I mean modern gaming philosophy is getting everything done asap which is equally cooked.


Personally I find myself gravitating back towards games that are still designed around giving the player a fun experience.

Which is why I’m finding myself spending more and more time back in single-player games.

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Given that the level squish has mucked about with the pricing and level ranges for all flight licenses for Mist and what came before it (and it’s overall much cheaper than it used to be), I see no reason we should have to match the pricing from any previous expansion.

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You’re absolutely right! I didn’t consider the squish affecting gold. Back in the day you’d make a sizeable chunk leveling from 1-90 but that’s no longer the case.

That sounds like a government speech point.