Why do vulpera look aggressive

Why do vulpera look aggressive

Mine do because they like to kill stuff as violently as possible.

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Just don’t ask me to comb the desert.


what if a vulupa has a fox mount

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That just means they have gone full furry, and are probably gaming in a fursuit.

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Dolly and dot are my best friends. They pull my wagon through dunes of sanndd.


Oh I don’t know about that. My Vulperas look cute to me.

Rogue sneaks up behind the op and…“slits his throat.”

Be careful what you wish for.

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Thank God for the HD remake for Worgen that removed the 24/7 rabid, pregnant pissed off chihuahua look for female Worgen. The abomination we were stuck with for ten years that only the most die hard Worgen players stuck with. No animal looks vicious all the time just like us they have emotions and feeling. There is a time to snarl and bear fangs and a time to not and the HD model update fixed a lot of the issues we had. Now if we could only get some customization love and a lore correct size you would see more players using Worgen. As for Vulpera they are cute out of combat and look ready to bite your ankle off in it.

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so you are saying the remake is better

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remove male Vulpera, male Trolls, and male Gnomes, and remove all Worgen

Thanks Blizz

Instead they remove elfs since it is easier.

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what ifa valupa mates with a worgen and makes a coyote man

The HD model is so much better.

Remove the cry baby emo elf.

Thanks Blizzard.

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and bring back the murlocs and naga

i love my murloc pets

Well from what I gathered in BFA while playing horde was, Vulpera saves a horde member (you) who was turned into a POW during a war the Vulpera were fighting. Enemy of my enemy is my friend. They are a nomadic race living in the desert and literally have nothing! Then the alliance see that they are trading with the horde and assume they are horde Allie’s when in reality they were trading to survive. Regardless that was the stick that broke the camels back to push them to REALLY join the horde. So yeah you’d be pretty angry too man.

I would play a coyote vulpera hybrid. Not gonna lie.

Just like I would play an ogre as well

they look harmless cute and cuddly

what if one mates with a worgen and makes a coyote person

worgen form is a curse, a vulpera can become a worgen but if a worgen and vulpera had a child together it would be half vulpera and half what ever the worgens true form is and no it isnt always human if its an ancient one its night elf. even so they are harmless looking.

I think I look cuddly and approachable, thank you.