Why do so many men role play as females?

The real question, is why do you spend so much time thinking about the choices other players make with their characters?


This 100% needed a new thread about this very new and interesting topic that is at the forefront of everyone’s minds.

Do you only pick male characters in every game you play?
Would you actively avoid Chun-Li in Street Fighter?
Skip playing RPGs with female characters forced into your party?

I’ll never understand why people fixate on this response that only a handful of people have ever said without it being a joke.

I mean, have you seen how big a druid’s (non-were)bear form butt is? It’s hard not to have it taking up half your screen at all times.

More seriously: It could be because players tend to equate a player character’s in-game sex as the player’s IRL sex.

I usually pick a race/gender/racials based on animations and how armor fits them, like i hate night elf male casting animations but love their melee animations and vice verse for female night elves.

Nothing beats being a night elf in pvp.

Elf women are hot and I like slapping them into skimpy mogs

jeez are we gonna have one of these a week?
use the existing ones!

this forum is worse than youtube when it comes to stolen ideas :wink:

Real talk here. IRL gender changes are expensive, taboo and not as good as the real thing. On the other hand, gender change in WoW allows us a safe environment to play out our fantasies.

You have no idea how many excuses I’ve had to come up with to tell my raid leader why I actually died…

Apparently he has never played a female blood elf

i beg to differ.
Look at this face and say that again without tellin a fib

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Because it’s fun?

Why are you so offended? Personally it’s amusing when I get the damsel in distress treatment till after all the white knighting I never asked for, I have to inform them that im not what you think.

Because I like mogs on WoW’s females characters more then guys, whats wrong with that? Also shamans cant be elves/humans and I hate every other race thats monster-ish.

Listen. You play the game the way you want to play it, and I’ll play it the way I want to play it.


Frankly I’m more concerned with how many more times I’m going to see threads on this topic.

As for my own answer to the question, its more or less just a habit I’ve formed personally. Beyond that, in particular regards to WoW, I simply prefer the female models aesthetically for most races.

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True, not constantly. It’s just most of the time. there are the fights between walking around where we focus on that. The walking can be way more than the fighting in this game. especially in dungeon and enclosed/indoor raid spam.

Our maps, with or without add ons show where rocks, plants and fish are. Look at that like a second every so often. SO there is that too lol.

I 100% select my character based on what race/gender looks best for the class and spec I like.

It has nothing to do with my real life gender.

Also, if you are roleplaying and are assuming the other player is female… I don’t know what to tell you. Nor should it matter for the sake of RP unless you are starting to mix IC and OOC. In which case you’re going into dangerous territory.

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I roleplay and I am a female IRL. However, I still have a male character and I don’t really see an issue with it. It’s an imaginary game, so why not imagine things?

Also, I find it funny when these threads pop up how the question is always 'why do men play female characters?" but never “why do women play male characters?” It makes me wonder if the person behind the question is uncomfortable with the idea on a personal level rather than ‘curious’.

Because it annoys people like you.

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This… and because we are paying for the game and we can play it how we want!


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Gender’s fluid and it’s fun to explore.

Because males want to know what it’s like being the boss.
Because we all know women rule. :slight_smile: