Why do people want to cover up the troll feet?

I think the appropriate response to this thread is to just cut troll feet off and make them the peg leg race instead.

it would be an improvement.

now that i think about it … imagine a peg-like tmog :o

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don’t kinkshame me

i mean im simply bringing attention to the complaints of others and stating my non biased non fetish-fueled opinion


They probably smell like beef and cheese

If they did add shoes for trolls I would just hide them lol

Athlete’s foot is contagious.

I honestly would want trolls to actually look fuzzy. The lore always says they have fuzz on their skin.

My only troll toon I have I made into a priest so he could use levitate when walking to avoid having to use those feet of his, because I’m not cruel.

/moo :cow:

What? Why? Do they even play trolls? If they want concealed feet there’s a ton of pretty elf races you can choose from.



How is a Troll going to pick their nose if their feet are covered with shoes?!?! :nose:

I miss being able to levitate then sit down in the air on my priest.

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Same reason people want undead bones covered, looks better. Hooves are cool though.

caz it gets cold in northrend.

sure humans are fine with getting frostbite in there toes, they got 10 of them. if a troll gets frostbite in one of there toes thats half there foot gone

Oh wow! I didn’t know we could do that. I deleted my priest because I’m not a fan of the class. I don’t like the mechanics of Shadow.

Used to. They fixed it

Oh ok, so not worth leveling to just see that then lol