Why do people think Kul tirans are fat?

The day I unlocked the Kul tiran, I made a Tauren warrior and have been leveling that Tauren ever since. I am talking about Kul Tiran male here by the way. He just doesn’t look right. I don’t mind the belly, but maybe needs more muscular upper body? just doesn’t have the charisma that I expected. Tauren looks much better and well balanced.
If I am to play a big beefy guy, I might as well play the REAL BEEFY guy was the thought.

Strong man are not all muscle

h ttps://imgur.com/a/2iquIpt

No OP, I’m sorry. It’s one things to make Kul Tirans the “fat” race, it’s another thing entirely to try and say that they’re not fat. They’re fat, and there’s a zero percent chance of going around that. You know exactly what chubby would be compared to something like this.

Not all muscle but theres still muscle tone there. And certain proportions. Which the kt don’t have right.

A character like zenya from overwatch is what kt humans should be. But thats not what blizz gave us.

Have you seen the bare arms on them ladies? That’s all muscle baby! It’s like body builders that aren’t in show shape & soften up a bit, yummy.

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I love Blizzard but I guess this is our Female Worgen Discussion equivalency for the 2020s. It’s the stomach I think. If they slightly resculpt it and the men’s so they don’t have a raging beer belly / bon-bon addiction, and instead have more upper body strength it’ll be fine. The rest is really a good model.

Lol I can’t not watch that video when I see it pop up :joy:

Not fat, thicc. I love my Kul’Tiran dude. He’s beefy as. Wish they had more hair/facial hair choices though.

You must be fat IRL to think that they are a “little chubby!” They’re gigantic!

I have a feeling calling someone fat irl isn’t allowed.

Just to clarify the term “weight lifter,” as it is very generic and is an umbrella term for various strength training regimens. The typical breakdown is three:

Power lifting
Cross fit

Jessie Hilgenberg is a professional female weight lifter/body builder. The bodybuilder aesthetic is low body fat coupled by muscle growth, both of which highlight muscle striations, acceptable size and cross-section, symmetry etc.

I see nothing “wrong” with the Kul Tiran men and women but they are anything but body builders.

Power-lifters? Olympic style? Yes, they’re much more like them. (Kul tirans)

Changing minds is perfectly fine. Perhaps consider that it’s the amount of hyperbole and vigor with which you champion a position and then change it. Makes having a discussion with you feel a bit like trying to take a close-up photograph of the horizon.

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Actually I’m quite skinny. Only 105 pounds

I don’t think they’re gigantic, but I do think they’re packing probably 30/40% Body fat men and 35/45% body fat for women, which would probably put them in obese territory by BMI standards.

The same could be said for many of her detractors, some of whom seem Hel-bent on taking everything very personally.

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Good point; Very true, too!

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Nope, they’re not.

Big fat fatties

Compared to me. Tee hee

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It doesn’t help that regular humans are big bodybuilder types. Now that KT humans are around, maybe the regulars should’ve been trimmed. This way, a big belly and full face wouldn’t have to be how KT and regular humans are different.