Why do people think Kul tirans are fat?

Considering you constantly spam these pointless threads and change your opinion on matters so quickly, I’m dismissing you as a troll.

With that, I’m out. I think I made my point and gave a proper reality check. Toodles.


You can have your opinion. I just felt the need to point out your criticism.

Because they don’t understand biology and how the environment affects it.

You literally posted a thread before they were implemented titled “Why is the alliance getting fat humans?”.

Can you make up your mind already?

I already did,

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Because they are fat.
The men may have muscular upper bodies, but their huge protruding bellies are filled with fat, not muscle.

The females are just fat, no muscle at all.

Because I like to upsize my Big Mac meals, Lunnaya. It’s that simple.


Someone needs a dictionary

Kul Tirans aren’t fat.

They are evolving to a higher state of being.

Now, if only they weren’t bald all over, that would be something.

So, they’re fat. You can justify it all you like, but they are fat.

IRL, I am 6’1’’ and 270lb.
I am fat.
I have less of a gut than the male Kul Tiran does.

My lady is 5’5’’ and 240lb.
She is fat.
She has less of a gut than the Kul Tiran females have.

Justify it all you like, it doesn’t change that the character models are fat.

((Before anybody goes off about diet tips, we’re both addressing our weight issues, and do not need or want advice or assistance.))

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You’re still thinking of them as reg humans, which they aren’t

This is like saying someone from Germany isn’t fat (when they are) because they’re different from people in Japan. Can kultirans and SW humans not procreate? Are they not the same species?

If you weighed them and took their height their BMI would put them in the obsess category. Sorry.

There’s a difference

Reg humans are very descendants of vrykul, making them smaller, skinnier, and less vrykul like

Kul tirans are the first descendants of the drust vrykul tribe. The are obviously affected by the curse, but still are bulky, strong, and pretty big height wise

Or kt human because the interwebs doesn’t care about grammar. Someone message is understood regardless.

You gonna send people to camps mine fuhrer?

If blizz gave the models texture files that actually showed off muscle it wouldn’t be so bad.

But they don’t at all match a body builder like motiff. Which is what blizz was supposedly going for.

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No they weren’t, they were going for strongman

Strong as in muscles. As in toned. I still see no muscle tone in the textures. Fan edits do a better job then blizzard themselves.

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Because they’re morons.

They’re big, built, and broad. They’re no more fat than [insert popular linebacker here].

there’s fat, and then there’s buff fat.

kul tirans are buff fat.

Again built. Means you are referring to muscles. But the textures don’t show muscle tone.

They are just bigger then normal humans with a gut. Tweak the texture files and they’ll look better.

But if you like them as is. Do you.