Why do people say this story is any good? (Spoilers)

They were well into TWW when he rejoined. Says so in the last WoWCast he did.


They’re doomers.


Admittedly, I was bored AF during the story so far. Nothing sucked me in and made me want to know what’s gonna happen next.

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Oh, and as far as not learning more about the Arathi than we do:

Yes, it’s mostly in sidequests. It’s really clear here that the Arathi Empire here is meant mostly as a foreshadow of future conflicts, so the Empire proper isn’t the focus of the storytelling. It is a little disorienting if you’re going into Hallowfall blind as I did to try and make sense of the worldbuilding, but that’s because it wasn’t designed to be an expositional dump. I can understand wishing it was spelled out a little more clearly in an early stage of the zone because it’s a pretty big curveball! But that doesn’t change that the zone is handled really well.

I absolutely love that they’re handling faith as a big positive force at the same time as not shying away from some critique of it. When you look at other things like the creepy talking fish in the zone, there’s just generally this idea that… cosmic forces should feel cosmic, and not like flashy loot piñatas, which was a weight that was painfully absent in most of Shadowlands.


That’s this expansion pretty much entirely. Sidequests are no longer, “We have a boar butt shortage. Get me 10 boar butts”. There’s actually more effort put into fleshing out stories and characters through them. If you don’t pay attention to them at all you miss out on a lot of worldbuilding going on.


Contrived yes. Forced no. It is fiction, of course it is contrived. You literally explained she has spent 1000 years in war, then someone threatens her peace, and you question why she is upset.

We are still at the very start of the story. We don’t have Baine sitting in Oribos for 2 years yet.

Because they want to put this in the raid?

You keep asking these questions like the mystery isn’t deliberate. They want you asking this exact question so they can surprise you with it.

I wouldn’t call it garbage. It is Gilligan’s island when I was expecting empire. The worst part about it for me is the Horde and Alliance ships find their way to the island just fine but the Arathi can’t find their way home? Damn that is so Gilligan’s island!

As for Anduin, you want immediate recovery instead of a storied one? You were just complaining about story, now you got one and you don’t want it?

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They really emphasize that the storming sea (I think that was the name?) is virtually impassable except by luck even for magically and technologically advanced civilizations. It can be a little hard to swallow in the context that we’ve been planet-hopping and fighting in space other dimensions for decades in-universe – but the writers are clearly trying to play the hand they’ve been dealt yet also avoid some level of the constant escalation and disconnection from our home planet and peoples. So, I’m willing to give them that slack.

Also RIP to that one mage. I figured he’d fail, I didn’t think he’d succeed and get shanked. He missed his cat! ;_;


It’s not Sunday any more.
Also if you don’t read quest text, watch the cut scenes, listen to the talking heads and stay awhile, or read what the characters say before and after a quest, you’re missing out. This is an mmoRPG for a reason. Don’t have to like the story but to say it makes no sense, when quests explain what happened.

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For me the story is fine. The dialogue is so cringe its almost unbearable.

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I’m not sure about willing, but I know I have no choice. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I’m actually holding out for a hidden side of Azeroth. Although I admit that links into my love for flat Earth conspiracy theory nonsense, because Azeroth passes all the tests (because the game actually is flat).

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lol. I can relate. I’m willing in this case but I can’t emphasize enough how consistently negative I was about Blizzard writing for most of my life.

I don’t know if we’re getting hidden side in the sense of ‘other side of a flat world’ (I am pretty sure Azeroth is round), and I don’t think we’ll get another underground expansion anytime soon, but I think it’s very likely we’re going to be crossing the Storming Sea and entering a whole new part of Azeroth with new continents and other indigenous races of Azeroth who have been cut off from Kalimdor/EK but still share some history going back thousands of years and with awareness of old gods, that time earthquakes erupted all over the planet, etc.

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Ritssyn why didn’t you open up the warlock order hall to save people? Why did the warlocks not send any of the demons we have out to fight as well? Instead all the warlocks and their minions stayed inside drinking mai tais and listening to relaxing jazz.

This sentence clearly illustrates why you dont/cant/wont “get” what everyone else is trying to tell you. Your focus either doesnt extend outside of a very small pinpoint in front of you or you are being willfully ignorant/ trolling.


The game literally just came out, the story is supposed to play out over the course of 3 expansions, so just relax and enjoy. More will be explained and things will develop more.

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Lets see:


Yeah TWW its good enough, not perfect, but better than most expacs in the past.

I view it as insightful as going “you didnt understand the story or didnt read it” as being just as handwavy.

Consoom product, then consoom more product when it comes out. Dont ask questions.

…people literally said this about Dragonflight and now are adding it to the list. Cant wait to see The Snooze Within to be added as well when Midnight comes out.

I even gave you the tag line (even though I dont think its good or warranted).

It is definitely meant to be round. I just find the whole IRL flat Earth debate hilarious because I’m positive at least half are trolls, and watching people take the bait on both sides is just my kind of comedy. Throwing it in the game and MAKING IT TRUE would really tickle my sense of humor.

I’m probably in the minority again, but I like the underground zones. I’ve liked the water zones too though. I never got the hate for either.

It is also true about Dragonflight though.

Dragonflight is markedly better writing than the expansions precede it. It just also is boring and not exciting on the writing front. There are several really good sidequests, but the overarching conflict is boring and was said even at launch. A lot of people took it for a breather.


That’s kind of glorifying the “We change it every week” part by pretending this has all been the plan for 30 years.

30 years ago orcs bopped into Azeroth because they were bored and then were eating humans because orcs were savage monsters, draeni were enslaved losers who were too weak to be fun for orcs to fight so the solution was to open portals to other worlds to fight people, Sargeras was just some nameless dead demon lord in a tomb and KilJaeden was the big bad and this whole concept of Fel wasn’t even a gleam in Medivh’s eye. Among a bevy of other ancient storylines that are so retconned they make the Jailer a reasonable addition as far as I am concerned.

That said I don’t mind the TWW story.


story is just okay with some decent bits sprinkled in, but it’s miles ahead of what we’ve been getting LOL

i’m also in the boat of “wow never had good story.”