Why do people fear level squish? [Discussion]

It would be more helpful, more meaningful if they would please unlock talents locked into WM and add them to the talent system.

Some of these abilities used to be in our talents and our spell books-- this is a talent issue, not a level issue.


Idont like 60 because it will either be too fast or too slow. We have 8 expansions worth of content, soon to be 9. Either we do almost no quest stories (one quest line will get us to the next expansion) or it will take 5 or more zones to get a single level.

Neither are ideal for me.

My ideal squish is 100, and using artifical levels as progression. Or 80 and let us climb and finish at 100. At any rate, the levels should stop at 100.

Yeah, I liked the idea of modifying learned abilities, it felt great to customize. (At least for rogue)

Why? What is so special about 100? I have earned each and every one of my 120 levels, and I’m not going to be at all happy if they’re stripped away because some folks hate big numbers.

Yes, to some of us, the numbers mean something. Just because you don’t care about that isn’t an excuse to take away one of the few things I (and others) really enjoy about this game.

The leveling issue is about rewards, not numbers. Focusing on numbers only makes it easier for Blizz to ignore making leveling rewarding for those who don’t care for numbers.

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I wish I could put neon lights around this.


actually they’d have to keep that in place.

The whole +11 now (used to be 10) would be squished to 5.5 (time will tell if round up/down).

You see this how they keep balance. They can’t make legion too hard for legit 100-110 there. And they can’t lock it down to be rough for 120’s as that screws over the 100-110’s.

They have done about as much as they could to have 120’s “work” here. they steath buffed a lot of argus and dungeon bosses over time. They are are more grindy now. A decent tank will readily take the worst beating here and laugh. you just grind on the killing them part.

Imagine what we have now.

Now, imagine… the exact same thing.

That’s what is wrong with the squish: it’s cosmetic, and doesn’t actually fix anything.


if everything scales to your level and so do dungons you wont be able to do xmog runs anymore.


it would make little diff aside from more abilities gained per level and twice as long to gain each level.

a level 80 zone would become a lvl 40 zone. a lvl 120 would be lvl 60
Molten Core would become a lvl 30 raid…

I don’t fear the level squish.
but I think people who fear big numbers are a bit ridiculous.


and I’m supposed to believe you’re “big brained”?


I wish my LF Draenei could have told Khadgar in Shattrath or Draenor that Turalyon’s alive.

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And 120 isn’t even that big compared to other numbers in the game. I have over a thousand battle pets, should that number be squished as well so each pet choice is more “meaningful” or whatever silly buzzword they decide to use?


Hmmm… you make a good point actually. One I never thought of. How would the level squish affect older raid and dungeon farming? :thinking:

I’d be fine with old raids not being soloable if they gave this game the FF14 treatment and made “timewalking” permanent. It already pretty much is now with Party Sync.

I’m sure they’d fix it, eventually. But there’s a very high chance of legacy content not being soloable for a while if they go through with the level squish. Patch 7.3.5 went live with MoP/WoD soloing broken and it took them weeks to fix it. And that was with a minor patch that didn’t have much else going on for it. An expansion patch is going to have so many problems that it would take a lot longer to get around to fixing soloing older content.

I’d see them working this better. Hoping so anyway.

As if your worst case comes true this game will lose subs. Me among them lol. Mog hunting is one of the things that keeps me subbed really. If a northrend dungeons got as hard as a max level one and needed a crew…yeah, I can find other games.

Games that say hi max level player. If you really want to spam old content like you were a god among mortals for that one item then has 1% drop rate you go have your fun.

I no BS have at least 60 runs for gin-su. the only thing that makes this tolerable is its a fast wipe. 60 runs as a normal dungeon needing a crew…this would be 0 runs. Unless…it had a way better drop rate. Like guaranteed 100% really.

it is only a small percent that does this it would hurt xmog hunting more.

but the only wato do do a level squish right is to make everythign scale level anywhere if your lvl 1 and want to level in bfa go right ahead.

this is how eso does it and its really the only way to make the squish right.

People were hyped for the stat squish. Meanwhile an addon that already did what they were hyped for (hiding the last three 0’s in the damage feed) had only a couple hundred downloads on curseforge.

If it genuinely excites you for the game to be exactly the same as it is now but with a smaller amount of arbitrary levels gained during the same amount of playtime: you might actually have brain damage.


wouldn’t the mob levels also get squished?