Why do people expect a massive fall off?

there’s only so much you can rearrange compared to when you had zero responsibilities.

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I don’t think it will be one group of long-term players and one group of players who just quit and never return.

There will also be players who come and go when bored. It will be interesting to see what happens if there’s massive drop offs but then massive pick ups when a new phase is released.

If they stick to no layering after phase 1, but a huge group comes back each phase, they’d either have to break that promise and temporarily re-layer, or deal with a lot of angry people that are now stuck in a queue.

OSRS also gets regular updates which the idiotic “#NoChanges” crowd has all but assured we will never get.

When a game stagnates, the vast majority of people will NOT continue to play it. A LOT of the people that will be trying Classic will be retail players and other people that are not prepared for the kind of game Classic is. You’ll also loose a huge amount of people that rolled a true hybrid when they find out their only viable spec is healing, just like last time.

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Because all the retail players will realize you cant level from the city.

You cant do dungeons from the city.

You cant do raids from the city.

You cant do mythic+ from the city.

Then realize they actually have to work for loot.


OSRS was stagnated until mobile came out, it shot up a huge amount after.

The thing is, OSRS has that idiotic #Nochanges crowd as well.

They were ignored.

Not even


OSRS peaks its launch numbers before mobile even launched.


the massive fall off will be mid lvl when all the kids realise there is an actuall grind to do and lvl 60 is not for free. Im hopeing it doesnt happen but doubt it, i mean look at most new mmos content is is all fast generic crap and is the reason so many people have moved on to other types of games or stopped playing all togeter. it is what the young folk want though.

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I both hope that you are correct and also that Blizz offers free server transfers to the new servers they need to add

Ditto. We had some young people, but almost everyone in my Vanilla guild was an adult with kids and a marriage and a job. Nobody in our guild got divorced over WoW or neglected their kids over WoW or had no life outside of the game. We were a group of normal people who scheduled things that we showed up for on purposes…and the rest was whoever was on did stuff together in the time they had.

We cleared ALL of the endgame raids together (except Naxx…only got through the horsemen there…I don’t think we ever cleared the whole thing. I would remember that, I think).

We were super active as a guild, and the idea that the only reason WoW went off was because kids played it is dumb…and inaccurate. If anything, teenagers have less time than adults because of homework and extracurriculars. I’m raising a teenager (she was a toddler the first time), and she’s WAY busier than her dad and I are. Still…she’s got time to WoW.

It’s about what you do with your hobby time. TV or WoW? We pick the game. Lots of gamers do. Classic is still casual friendly. Some will take longer to level and gear out than others, but there is room for every style of play in Classic (just like retail…which also has content for every style of play). WoW is super versatile in that way.


I hope and pray Blizzard is wise enough to do the same.

Leave them a “Museum” server or two and give the rest of us what we want. Balance. Polish. QoL. All on top of new content.

Reboot the whole game, please.

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Do you think that everyone is in the same position you are in? People have had divorces, changed jobs, had their kids move out, have their kids or wife play, all kinds of stuff that will allow them to play.
The fact is that I know for a fact that we had people with full time jobs, wives and kids that RAIDED multiple hours a night, 4-5 days a week. How will it be different now, besides for you and the people in your position specifically?

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this is false


No it isnt.
Compare January 2017 to launch in April 2013

The number is higher, and peaks higher several more times after that before mobile’s launch in October of 2018

no obviously not everyone is, but in 2005 a lot of the player population was 20 somethings, I’m just trying to tell you their circumstances are different than they were then.

if you’re raiding 5 days a week multiple hours a night, and you have a wife and multiple kids and a full time job, there is a part of your life that you are neglecting. there are simply not enough hours in the day.


If the game is good enough, people will play it, there will be a fresh crop of 20 somethings playing, and people that are not in their 20s, will rearrange their schedule to play the game. It is as simple as that.
People do not do that in current MMOs because they are not worth it. There are a few niche ones that people do that in today, but they are not as polished as vanilla WoW is/was.


did you even look at what i linked you? the highest number on your chart is 70k in March of 2017, in October of 2018 it peaks above 140k

I’m comparing it to the launch of OSRS in general, not the launch of mobile.

You’re claiming OSRS stagnated until mobile launched yet that doesn’t tell the whole story. It faced the same post game drop off most classic rereleases like that do, however it began to build it’s population again thanks to smart updates to the game made by Jagex until it eventually beat out even it’s launch numbers.

Of course the Mobile version spiked it’s numbers, but that isnt why OSRS was successful. It’s successful because it made smart updates to the game that preserved it’s spirit. The point I’m trying to make is Blizzard could try to do the same thing, Jagex was once considered a rather stubborn company and they made it work, I cant see why blizzard cant do the same.

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I totally agree. Many people will think the game is too hard. That happened on my server over the stress test. Many will rage quit. I am hoping this is success.

No offense, but that statement very closely resembles Blizzard’s previous stance on Classic with “You think you do, but you don’t”. My question to you and to Blizzard regarding that statement is/was: Just how arrogant are you that you think you know exactly what a player wants or doesn’t want to do/see in the game? That narcissistic attitude/outlook that Ion and his team have regarding players in general in terms of forcing their “vision” on us regardless of whether or not we want certain features added/removed is what got us to this point in the first place. Classic was SUPPOSED to be our only refuge from the nightmare that retail has become, and now even that is already tainted by layering/sharding that will be present at launch. IDGAF that Blizzard claims it will only be temporary. I trust Ion and his team as far as I can throw them, which is to say NOT AT ALL. This just opens the door for them to make even more changes further down the road. Classic is already not classic just by having it :roll_eyes:


You’re letting your teenage daughter onto WoW…?

Well, she’s going to be getting a very comprehensive education in all sorts of ways.