Why do males play female characters?

It’s not if you can realize that he’s kidding


actually, I think he’s serious

So no humor allowed? Sarcasm is off the table?


15 years and this questions still gets asked all.the.time.


Orc race remind me of planet of the apes . Also I rolled a tauren warrior and stopped at level 31 to make female orc warrior because I couldn’t stand the animation of bull. There is a definite difference and feel in pvp especially.

Orc feels more agile and tauren feels slow and clumsy. But it’s probably just my mind playing tricks visually.

The animation mainly.

It’s only disturbing if it’s a gnome :flushed:


Don’t see any gender in pixels. They don’t get to carry the same attachments.

Not sure why anyone thinks “oooh, I get to be a boy/girl” the character is one, not the player.

All sorts of reasons, as you’re hopefully seeing from other responses. How they look, how armor looks on them, how casting animations look.

Hell, I think it’s weirder when someone is fixated on matching their gender in the game character, especially in a game where gender means absolutely nothing in terms of skills and ability and stats.

Some do; most don’t. We hear the stories of the ones who pretend, and don’t need to talk about the ones who don’t.

Personally, I have a pretty even mix of male and female, though I just cannot bring myself to roll male gnome or male night elf. (I have only ever had one male night elf, and he’s a druid in Retail so I almost never leave shapeshift form and see the humanoid form.) EDIT: I’m female-bodied. Gender of my game characters is about them, not me.


This pretty much.

I play both because I can’t stand the casting animation for some characters and I’m not a sexist. /shrug

Because Tauren are much larger, and all races run at the same speed, it feels like tauren are moving much slower.
I get it

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Because if I’m going to spend hundreds of hours looking at someone’s back, I want the view to be a pleasant one.

Why do you play a Tauren?

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My character is a Sentinel, and Night Elf Sentinels are typically female in the lore. If I make a druid, it will be male because Night Elf druids are typically male in the lore.


Apart from the bonus to herb gathering.

So I can find some cute looking Tauren heifer to be my gank pal in wpvp. Lol :joy:

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…What year is this again?.. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I’m still friends with an ex-girlfriend I dated about 10 years ago. I continue the tradition I started when we dated of always making an alt based on her in every game I play. Since I tend to make my mains a stealth based character, I make her characters the warrior type. However, in Classic I ended up making her a priest, which she thinks is hilarious.

I’ve wondered this too on accasion. I’ve always played female characters in all MMO’s I’ve played.

For me it comes to the fact that I don’t actually role play. Like, I don’t walk around associating myself with the character. Im simply controlling a fictional character. There’s always a separation.

But for me to continue playing I have to be invested in how cool/badass the character is. I have to LIKE the character. And I find it easier to do that when it’s female.


I see where you are going with this … but more importantly what day is it?

alliance males have awful animations. And armor looks different. Cloth just looks better on human and NE females, just like how (most) plate looks amazing on orc and tauren males.