Why do I not see more posts about rogues?

Bro you couldnt beat an afk mage. You are hardstuck molton core. Meet me in the deep mist BUM.

Forum trolling.

Iā€™m not actually. This toon has never even done any PvE content ever. Not hard stuck anywhere. Go troll more. At least I can get a toon to level cap. I got this alt mage of mine to level cap. That your problem? You made a DK and cant figure out how to level it up so you gave up and decided to troll people on the forums instead?

Not a bro, and Iā€™m not stuck at MC. You are farming for likes on the forums here. You donā€™t even play SoD so why are you posting here? You legit go around the forums challenging people to do 1v1 duels in random locations on that low level alt DK of yours.

This crappy alt mage of mine could beat any level 60 of yours that you have. It has zero MC gear, has never even entered MC. Thereā€™s a reason why you have zero SoD posting toons on these forums ever and why you always alt post on an army of non SoD altsā€¦cuz you never play SoD. Play SoD then post on that SoD toon. Otherwise, get out of here.

Canā€™t even clear MC lmao. BUM.

Got full lego raggy on a toon in Sodā€¦ My pally. And yet you want to act like this mage not doing MC means I am bad when you wont even post here on a single SoD toon and instead have to hide behind a DK alt that you gave up after getting one single level on it.

Youā€™re an idiot. This toon doesnā€™t even try for MC content. And that is the only thing you keep saying to me is that I have not done an MC clear on this toon. And why you keep brining up MC nonstop? I have never brought it up here until you people do. You have zero Classic toons so quit trolling random people on the forums.

You are such an idiot. You think all these back to back ā€œinsultsā€ on all my back to back attempts at doing MC when this toon has never even stepped foot in it, so how could I be stuck at a place I never even started. Think you are talking about yourself. You donā€™t even play SoD so get out of here and stop trolling people. You are an idiot for thinking this toon is a MC raid running toon.
You keep trying to move between me and Styls to troll here on the forums and each time one of us gets too much for you, you move on to try trolling someone else but mainly just the two of us.

Sure thing bud. Sounds like something someone who never did MC would say. heh BUM.

You donā€™t even play SoD. Obvious by the fact that you legit think this crappy alt mage of mine spam runs MC. Anyone and I mean ANYONE who has ever stepped foot into SoD at any point ever would be able to tell that is not the case about my mage. I can carry through MC on my pally. That what this is all about? You spam MC all that time to me as if that should have some sort of meaning to me. Want me to see if I can set you up with a carry through there? Kinda seems like that is what you are getting at cuz why else would you be coming at me with MC spam nonstop for weeks now. Iā€™ll get you full MC clear.

I play SoD and I full cleared MC bud. unlike you BUM lmao learn to play soy milk drinker.

Post on that toon, or quit posting.

You have never done anything with MC because you think this toon is an MC spam runner with multiple failed MC runs.

But Iā€™m not thoughā€¦

Oh and btwā€¦ kinda knew you wouldnā€™t post on your toon that has cleared HCā€¦ You donā€™t even have a single SoD toon to begin with so get out of here and quit trolling me and quit trolling Styls when youā€™re not trolling me.

MC spam from you. You must think that is the hardest raid from Classic and is something to be proud of for doing it.


Post to prove cuz you legit think this mage is an MC runner when it is not. Wont post on that toon? Then we know you are making it up and all your comments here can be flagged for trolling then.

Sorry I donā€™t acknowledge the requests of those who are HARDstuck MC.

lol, of course its some aut hunter posting this. get better kid.