Why do I not see more posts about rogues?

Another alliance andy hiding behind a horde avatar. lol

honestly in sod, rogues do so much damage that they very very rarely even need to use blind .

you have more of a point in era vanilla style where you can choose between predictable vs rng and the negatives and benefits from that.

its not all one sided on that front and either side really has a big point to make.

Yā€™all are funny. :rofl:

More like basic pattern recognition. I enter a thread and see the dumbest posts possible, and itā€™s the same guy time after time.

So, you arent on CS? Whats ur main?

They nerf orc stun resist for a reason. Thereā€™s a reason horde have 20min queues.

Still doesnt mean its better than Dwarf vs Rogues.

And dont talk about queue times. We all know Alliance is the carebear faction. You dont join horde for the ā€œfastā€ queues. LOL

Why though?

You join horde to play Shaman

People donā€™t complain about rogues cause most people on the forums only do BGs and cry about PVP based on what they see in BGs. Rogues are pretty garbage in a team fight. And even worse in BGs since people have 30% more HP. In 1v1s they are very strong.

Not even true. Locks are the best 1v1ers in era. Then it is like a tie between rogue/mage/spriest. In SOD Rogues are pretty OP in a 1v1 vs most classes. A few classes they struggle against. They also have a very high skill ceiling.

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I did and Im glad I choose Shaman. It came down to Shaman and Mageā€¦ could you imagine if I had choosen a mage. lol

I have been super happy with my class design so far in SOD. I did wish we had gotten lightning Lasso instead of Wolves. Yes, I agree that the tank spec should be nerf into the ground. Then they can work on lowering boomkin damage, Hunters KS spam. Buff Retā€™s healing and Shams too. =)

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Till they meet a warrior, or a rogue, or a good hunter, or sham. I have a 60 sub rogue in era and it does just fine in every type of 1v1 PvP.

Yea they suck. I hate this toon. I hardly ever play it.

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Yeah lock beats all that in a 1v1. There is a reason why demo locks were banned in most 1v1 tournys and why snuts won most of them as a lock when it wasnā€™t banned. Rogue does do just fine but that doesnā€™t mean its ā€œthe bestā€. Beating random BUMs in 1v1s is a lot different than beating min/max tryhards with all consumes/trinkets and engy items.

And the idea of a hunter doing just fine vs a lock in a duel zone is hilarious demo lock is literally a hunters hard counter. Sham? Silence into fear GG you lose.

Warriorā€¦ How many duel tourneys have warriors won? And they even bend the rules for them to give them an advantageā€¦

Because they are stealthed.

Thereā€™s an Orcs vs Humans joke in there.

But you are not wrong.

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FYI I am in game rn headed to AQ10 and I just got opened up on by a rogue with cheap shot and died within the cheap shot (like 5 seconds) because he managed to burst me for 6910 damage before the cheap shot ( not kidney shot ) faded. Holy crap do you devs EVEN PLAY THE GAME??? What are you guys thinking??? Is it considered balanced game design to die in a cheap shot while wearing full high warlord gear? I have 6050 hp unbuffed and cant even survive a cheap shot.

They doā€¦ they gave you a 2min pvp trinket. Let me guess since you were heading to AQ10 you didnt have it equipped, right? If you did, what were you saving trinket for? Just curious. =)

a 2 min pvp trinket on a cheap shot? so i can get kidnied and then blinded? its almost like you never played pvp before

I give upā€¦ continue getting owned.

Explain to me how rogue has better mobility than Druid, Mage and Warrior because I am SUPER curious about that bit.