Why do Horde races want to be in the horde?

Can you leave the smear campaign out of a single thread. No one buys it, and if you’re trying to diminish Baals voice on a topic about racism that’s very telling.

It’s already been pointed out the issue w the specific wording.


You are perpetuating extreemely harmful stereotypes under the pretense of being anti-racist.

Do better.

Because the context of the character implies that under the much disliked bravado hes increasingly nervous and worried about something and he covers it up under his crafted princely appearances.

But because hes brown and Arab coded, this is joke is lost. Which is why I asked had he been white and prince styled to match Anduin would the above joke have landed.

Honestly? I personally think the joke is in poor taste in general. It doesn’t really land all that great and it’s not even funny.

But that’s me. I know others think otherwise

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there’s a difference better being anti-racist and appearing anti-racist. to be actually anti-racist it’s more than lecturing people about word choices it’s mostly about unpacking and confronting your own internalised racism.

it’s certainly not perpetuating harmful racist stereotypes, and lecturing others why they are bad. Did anyone stop to even consider how repeating this microagression over and over in this thread triggers people who have experienced this particular microagression?

I doubt anyone here paused to think about that.

To be fair though.

White people just can not not handle spice, so they can not handle Arab coded characters that smell like spices either.

Have you ever paused to consider the impact of your words? Genuinely asking. I find this entire statement to be very much from all people a bit… hypocritical.

At the end of the day you are incorrect on this issue, the wording doesn’t have to be intended to be racist to be so and it is.


From what I gathered, Baal is a PoC and he’s quite intelligent from what I seen him post here. So, why then do we have people, who clearly aren’t a PoC trying to correct everyone else on what is or is not racist?

Can we even say Wrathion is “Arab coded” ?

Like, he is dark skinned and wore some kind of Headdress/turban in MoP. But like… I mean that sort of head garment is seen across cultures. It is as old as Mesopotamia, and we see it in not only Arab culture but Persian, Turkish, African, Indian, and some Native American tribes.

Europeans even wore it between the 14th Century and WW1.

What else makes him Arab Coded? His sword? Which looks like some kind of mix between a scimitar and a kopesh, except it’s way too big, single edged, and seeps magic?

Does he dress in a way that is uniquely Arab? Or is it literally just that he has dark skin and has dark voluminous hair? And if so, why does that make him Arab coded and not Indian or Persian or North African or Southern Italian or any number of other things?

It seems that in the effort to seem woke and not-racist, that some people have allowed their racial biases to make assumptions about dark skinned characters.

It is a tendency from the past.
White people wanting to lord over everything and decide everything.

That is of course not true, but I don’t really think people like that have any idea what the hell it is that they are actually doing.

Also, stop thinking that PoC is a monolith.

I did not claim nor do I think that. I don’t even know what the point of that statement is or what it’s trying to accomplish

God she never stops

Stooping so low as to suggest that pointing out the invocation of a racist stereotype or torpe is actually racism is depressingly pathetic lmao

Just last year she was accusing me of Actually Being Half Egyptian Half African American but now this?

Absolutely wild


Guess this is normal around here? Or happens often?

Very normal actually.

Any thread will eventually devolve into a battle between the racism, sexism, various political parties. You name it, this board will fight over it while standing atop a glass pillar of moral righteousness.

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but how does baine feel about rohkan

Well, I suppose that’s certainly something to keep an eye out for and try to avoid when I can.

Thanks though. Much appreciated

Personally I’ve never launched misinformation campaign parroting 4chan talking points against someone including conspiracy theories that they’ve lied about their ethnicity and religion their whole lives

But that’s me


Please tell me that’s a joke and people don’t actually use 4chan as a source of reliable information

If anything you should consider yourself lucky. Right now only 1 or 2 threads are active at a time.

Back during BFA, every thread was a night elf genocide thread, Sylvanas is a feminist icon thread, Sylvanas is a an anti-woman nightmare made by misogynist thread and finally Horde/Alliance reinforce racism threads.

It was a wild time to be alive.


Big oof. Sounds unpleasant. Glad it kind of died down though. Things sure seem tame now.