Goblins from their roots have been very shamanistic. In their early days they were a very tribal race and also have historically been exposed to Zandalari trolls a great deal. Zandalari trolls of course we well known to be highly shamanistic. You will notice that female goblins have a bone through their nose as a custom option. They picked this up from their pygmy roots and history with trolls.
Present day goblin shamanism is in fact combined with some tinkering. Though it is in fact primarily done through magic. They contract elements. Goblins are good with making business deals and stuff. It is in their genes. Shamanism doesn’t require strick connection to nature like druidism does. It just requires the right contracted elemental. However may goblins can be very close to nature which is why we have hunters. A thing to remember is that it is possible to be close to nature while still exploiting it too.