Why do classic players say, “retail failed.”

Good thing they moved away from this design and right now if you raid or do M+ you lose literally nothing by ignoring world content.

Glad to hear that last year Blizzard decided to start respecting the player’s time. That doesn’t negate the fact that during the previous decade they did exactly the opposite.

Yes, especially with the slow levelling, garbage quest design and ridiculous travel times in Vanilla.

They fixed that way back in Cata.

i mentioned 2023 because when i was playing wow back in 2005~2006 almost every player seemed friendly, people was chatting all the time at any area, even from 2007 to 2012 people was still chatting a lot in towns in groups in front of ah or bank…etc & many players used to go farm together…help each other, you could always find tons of people dueling in-front of towns and many things that was happening because people used to create their own activity despite game lacking content or not.

But in recent years of wow, players shifted with their mentality and are only trying to achieve what they wants by any means necessary without bothering about how that effect the game!, in retail the gameplay is mostly solo & In classic since 2019 everyone play this game for his/her self benefits only that’s why classic been filled with massive bots/boosts/RMT.

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Because it did?

You want the truth, no COPIUM? Classic, including all its forms doubles retail, easily.

Retail had set a standard somewhere after Cata that encouraged more solo oriented play. And that standard is still carried by most player to this day. Whether they play hardcore, era, wotlk, and yup still retail too. Players have this ingrained notion in their head that they don’t need anybody else and you can progress the game without anyone(up to current raid content) if they wanted. There is nothing necessarily ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ with this style of play, btw. But is that not the same as a single player game…? That you just buy once and you’re done with…?

Now not everyone plays exactly like that on Retail but even in some small way, everyone has gotten use to this way of play, if you have actually tried Retail.

And, truly, if a player hasn’t realized this consciously, I believe even subconsciously the average player resents Blizz for making Retail less social dependent and more solo oriented. After all, it is an MMORPG. You go online expecting to interact with others, at least somewhat despite Blizz’s programming of us to hand them more money and giving us the opposite of what we originally intended to receive. A single player experience instead of an MMO one.

I digress tho, Now what’s the long term affect of this mentality, you wonder? It makes the World of Warcraft just more a lil more isolating and hostile, ultimately. And you might say well, ‘duh’ its called ‘war’ craft for a reason. But at its core, its still an MMO game that requires players to interact for it to be successful as an MMO game. And ideally, these interactions are both good and bad to give a balance, imitating real life. Making you want to come back and play. Something a single player game has a limit on in a short period of time.

But why encourage solo play, at all if it leads to that? right? Perhaps to still receive consistent money with less players? Or maybe to make mass programming and labor cheaper for the cost?.. These are small peanuts, imo, things a single-player-game developer would worry about.

I personally think its because it is much, much easier to control what people will settle for when you make them think they need to interact less. Making less debate, speculation, and criticism’s to arise. Eventually leading to a much easier control of the revenue. Gradually at first, to nowadays when they can pump literally anything in front us and still make something out of it.(wow token revenue going to bliz instead of gold sellers is soo much better, right…?)

TLDR: Blizz dropped the ball with the legacy of the greatest MMORPG ever made, with Retail as a whole. And Blizz itself was greedily the real ‘WoW killer’ in the end.

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The exact same applies in vanilla and TBC, once you hit max level you raid log, pvp, or run alts. The only difference is blizzard didn’t actively try to screw up vanilla and tbc by shoving retail garbage into them.

Nobody cares about making it “less social dependent”, in fact it’s widely considered a good thing that you don’t have to beg people to help you with some garbage quest or send whispers to 10 groups to not get accepted anywhere, or sift through 50000 dps for your 5man.
Absolutely nobody. People are very social and actually do talk a lot, sometimes even in game too!
They just don’t have to stay online to keep in touch with their friends and communities anymore, and use this privilege to do whatever they want to do with their time, including doing something other than WoW instead.
Oh and by the way: It doesn’t.

It’s strange how some people hate Classic just for the sake of hating it and still try to argue against those who enjoy it, as if it’s something wrong about enjoying Classic.

It’s simple, those who prefer to play Classic think Classic is better. Those who prefer Retail think Retail is better, and that’s okay. It doesn’t make sense to argue about which version is better.

Many of us prefer to play Classic because something in Retail doesn’t work for us, and vice versa.

“But Classic is old, outdated, and blah blah blah” Okay, but that doesn’t make it a bad game. Just like Retail being new and updated doesn’t make it better. It’s a matter of taste.


Idk. If thats true then why do people play online games in the first place? I know its different for everyone and im generalizing. But its just how I see a lot peeps react I guess. And i know theres a world outside my view. Like i said, just a generalizion i was trying to make.

Classic is more like a spreadsheet nerd’s wet dream with all the BiS calculations, prases, meters, gear score, and everything else “required” to play the game.

Wait… Do you mean replaying a game that has already happened is heading in the same direction it did in the original playthrough?

Seriously, what do you expect Classic to be? A whole new series of games? Classic is literally repeating the retail journey all over again with some changes here and there.

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To play the game if it’s fun for them without being forced into things they consider tedious too much. And WoW doesn’t only compete for players with other mmo’s you know.

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