Why didn't Man'ari Draenei just become an allied race?

On the subject of Krokuul and other such races, Blizz already has a solution from the Dracthyr and them having multiple different body forms. So could see that to open up things like Krokuul, Taunka, etc…

Yeah, I heard this at the 7-11 while I was getting a coffee last week.

Dayum… that hit like Tyson.

:fist_right:t6: :boom: :dizzy_face:



The first law of the WoW forums is that there are no laws*

*there are rules, though

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Two Dwarfs enter, one Dwarf leaves type stuff…

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Because they have combined to be Dwarfazord


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This next expansion is going to be insane.

Hot take, but i like having options for racials, and just baking more cutomization into outdated races (with god awful racials) doesnt really do anyone any favors. Yall want more visual customization and they way you guys seemingly wish to achieve it is by removing game play features.

Has it already been revealed/leaked?

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Huge underground expac… focused on Dwarfs and their beards.


I think everyone knew long before now that Blizzard isn’t going to remove the Allied Races, it’s more most people including myself feel they would of been much better just as customizations for the Core Races and there’s nothing wrong with feeling that way.

On a personal level I play both Core Races and Allied Races so them existing is completely fine with me, am I against just having more customizations options no but nothing that’s already live is going to be actually lost/deleted by feeling that the way Blizzard did Man’ari or Dark Rangers was better as just customizations instead of separate Allied Races.


It can’t be occupied by the forsaken, because it’s been established in the lore that it’s been under alliance control since cataclysm. We saw this further established in BFA with the war table quests.

It’s even more unlikely that the forsaken can’t occupy it when they’re a race teetering on extinction after suffering massive battlefield casualties, and they don’t even occupy their own capital.

I’m sorry, but blizzard has simply dropped the soap very hard on this specific lore subject and once again, they forgot about their own lore.

That was my point.

The status of Gilneas was whatever the hell Blizzard decided what would be best for whatever they wanted to do with Genn at the time.

Well, they need to start actually solidifying lore and stop forgetting about what they’re doing. Although with the storyline of dragonflight, I’d say the days of blizzard actually knowing how to write lore and storylines are probably over.