Why did they debuff cheat death?

Why did they make it so cheat death no longer resets on death??

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Did it ever reset on death? I thought it always just reset on wipes/boss encounters?

It used to always reset on death. no matter what u were doing. This last patch 8.1 they changed it. I’ve been wanting to make a post about it ever since the patch launched but just been super lazy ^.^

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I noticed that debuff sticking around a little extra time in battlegrounds after dying and not reseting. it’s pretty lame because I hate feint’s energy cost and I swear that cheat death is better than elusiveness. except for maybe in fights where you’re getting consistently stunned and elusiveness can negate go’s. mostly vs other rouges and pallys.

idc if they nerfed cheat death that much, it sucks yeah, but theres no way im going elusiveness and vigor unless they nerf rouge to the ground

also I thought it was strange seeing it after dying in bg. I thought it was a change/nerf too.
I haven’t investigated the patch notes tho.
can someone find proof/ link the patch notes???

They also did this to cauterize for fire mages. Pretty lame change if you ask me.

I started running with leeching poison and I’m digging it. I’ve got myself up to 20% leech which is what demon hunters have in meta

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Every class that had an ability similar got hit with this )e.g. fire mage cauterize, bdk bulwark, vdh last stand, etc…) Don’t know why, but it was a conscience decision by Blizzard.

I always thought it was on 5 minute cooldown.

Fun Detected, Fun Destroyed… Next Target…


ohhhhhhh I might have to try that.

Apparently they did the same to Fire Mage Cauterize.

it does reset on death, just not during m+