timing was the main factor. tbc was like right around the corner or already out lol. re-launching something we just got out off… right into the next expansion lol
thousands of people played SoM and loved it not really a failure
if you wanna see a failure, watch SoD.
I want harder raids
I agree with the sentiment that most classic players are 30+. Heck, most players probably won’t even make it to 60. My friends who can’t play as often because of a busy work schedule or family obligations are excited because of how leveling is partitioned. They don’t feel like they will be left behind. Even if they don’t make it to 60, at least there are new playstyles and content for them to try out at early levels with runes, BFD, Ashenvale, and possibly new quests and gear.
Also, I think SoM came out too soon.
90 posts in the past two days complaining about an unreleased game. Are you okay?
why do my comments on SoD bother you
We had just finished with Classic 2019, they didn’t really address meme specs, BGs were more or less a requirement for raiding, and we all knew the season was just going to end. I have zero interest in investing time into characters that are just going to be deleted or transferred off to another realm with different rule sets
Because you and a few others are annoying as F. If you don’t like SoD, great. Leave those forum posts alone and go play more Era. You are a cancer to the community
Wasn’t SoM released along side new Classic content on the primary servers? IMO, it was too soon to start fresh for most players. I started a toon. He made it to the mid-30’s before I got bored.
Vanilla was logistically challenging.
Trying to get a crew of 40+ individuals geared up, the proper number of each class, with the correct consumables, arriving on time – all to split up limited loot was the challenge.
The boss fights were simple. The complexity came from there being 40 people, and that many people splitting the loot made the gear harder to get due to scarcity. Its why people STILL run MC in Classic Era to get their potential Thunderfury Bindings.
The bosses themselves are simple, and only can grow in difficulty when you reduce the number of people.
Keep end game raids 40, but that doesn’t mean 10 man dungeons and 20 man raids don’t have a place either.
no they weren’t I did all SoM raids and barely PvPed in BGs.
That’s not very nice
I think you misinterpreted my statement. I’m concerned about your mental health. I’m being altruistic.
My mental health is not your concern, nor can anyone accurately discern such things from mere forum posts about a video game
While being passionate about a hobby or interest is normal, it’s important to maintain a healthy balance and perspective. If someone finds that their online activity, especially on forums or social media, is overwhelmingly negative, causing distress, or significantly impacting their daily life, it might be beneficial for them to consider taking a step back. This could involve taking breaks, engaging in other activities they enjoy, or even seeking support from friends, family, or mental health professionals if they feel overwhelmed.
Remember, it’s always okay to seek help if one feels that their hobby or any aspect of their life is causing undue stress or unhappiness.
are we really going to pretend that the SoM raids were too hard? all they did was make sure you can’t cheese through them like kill rag before even 1 submerge
Eyr, I’mma let you re-read my post.
TL:DR Vanilla raids are easy, organizing and herding 40 cats to do the raid was the logistically challenging part.
The bosses are easy. Dealing with 40 people was difficult.
SOM Failed because it was right after people just ran naxx to completion and wanted to move on to TBC
SoM came out 5ish months after classic ended. Most people just got off of Naxx etc and weren’t feeling the full restart especially with Tbc being out. Most guilds moved to Tbc for raiding and brought its members with them.
I wouldn’t call Som a failure it was just bad timing as people mentioned. If it came out now I bet it’d be more popular then it was the first time around.
I wouldn’t compare Som to Sod though, they’re very different “versions” of classic.
well i like how it’s common knowledge now that SoM didn’t do as well as some thought because of timing when I said this back in the day, everyone said I was wrong and just “le coping”.
Hmmmm. Yes I’m over 30, and I sure hope I make it past 60!
Harder raids are bad. Just makes the already gatekeeping community worse. See retail and wotlk later raids