Why cant we be any race?

The armor customizations are a silly issue, people just want a puffy chest for lady drakes and broader shoulders for male drakes…that’s irrelevant, all npc’s share the same basic models so player’s won’t get anything different. It’s Basically a gender neutral race, only interesting thing about them.

Thier gender identities could be easily affirmed with using established race models with drathyr hair color combinations. Also, they could add Naga, Tuaka, Tuskarr, or Sethkk. Any race that they think could make an upset player base have a happy moment could be added with a new racial spell and a basic ach that adds the unlock. It simplifies the desire for more allied races to just one that can look like many.

Also they need the additional 3 general classes and maybe 2 more.

um. no. people want to be able to use their transmog collection and not be limited to shoulders and 3d belts.


I agree there’s a lot of room for Dracthyr customizations.

I’d love for them to get a mage tower appearance. Maybe the final void form of the Aberrus end boss.

And maybe a questline where we go spend time with the specific race we want to play as maybe something called “Assimilation: Vulpera” or something where we can change to that race as a reward at the end of the questline.

And since toys can put us into various race visage forms which have ALL animations available to use purely in visage form there’s really no excuse for not allowing exclusive visage play in combat.

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Using any toy that changes your race to anything playable allows you to use all Evoker specific animations without issue. I really don’t understand why you’re trying to argue here.

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Well this is entirely incorrect lol.

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Uuuuh. That’s… not true. Hover breaks your character’s animations entirely, spells like Pyre use one-handed melee animations, channels use the default (non-class specific) channel animations, glide just loops the falling animation.

They’re far from functional.

…Not really? As far as I’ve seen, the prevailing ask when it comes to armor transmog is to let evoker players use different transmogs for their two forms. It is a little annoying that I have to build sets around my shoulders, tabard and belt being visible in my ‘dragon’ form, whether they match or not. This has absolutely nothing to do with gender and everything to do with building tmog sets, lol.

I don’t really know what you’re arguing for here, but I think you might’ve missed the point of this thread and the post you’re responding to.


They’re not dragons, they’re Dracthyr. They look similar and there’s a pretty vast difference between them. Wowwiki is useful for the details, but given their power set is much more broad than most true dragons yeah, they should be able to kinda be whatever visage I agree.

The meta reason is probably because Blizzard didn’t want to and they seem to love elves so just smacked an elf onto em and added some horns and scales to make them look like a mutant.

At least with Orb of the Sin’dorei I have all the animations make near perfect sense. Obviously there’s exceptions like the racial tail swipe and things like dragon’s breath.

But things like pyre is a shout animation and hover just lets me channel disentegrate in a near perfect animation of priest levitate with ray of frost animation upper body.

It really wouldn’t be hard to make it work even with the primary base races of male blood elf and female human and expand from there if they wanted to.

So, today i made a new Evoker on another realm and i realized i was 100% right. The only reason you are forced into the visage form is because of laziness. when finishing the campaign ebonhorn literally says “a visage is an expression of how you choose to be seen by others. It is a personal choice you alone can make. I chose my visage because i wished to live quietly among the highmountain tauren. your choice will be your own”. So unless he was completely lying we should be able to be literally any race in our visage form.


And that, friends, is how we turn the ooey-gooey, yucky-wucky word “lazy” into a purely absolutely scrumptulescent, corporately nomnom-delicious word:


three paid actors faint “at the beauty of the word”… but are fired by Big Bobby K before they hit the ground for being… lazy … and therefor have their pay withheld for being terminated before the fulfillment of their services, per the contract

To say that the spells are useable and have their intended effects like movement or damage means they are functional. What you’re arguing is since the animations are bugged it’s completely broken. Not true, you can still cast Fire Breath, Eternity Surge, Deep Breath in toy human form, that’s functional, but not completely correct. All it takes is 3 animations and taduh, problem solved.

Lorewise I think dracthyr visage looks the way it does because dracthyr aren’t actually dragons. Theyre sort of half dragons. Part dragon part mortal. It makes sense that they wouldn’t have the power to fully cloak themselves as whatever race they choose.

But then again, even the aspects can’t seem to hide that they’re a dragon. Well except Kalecgos and Nozdormu, but they still look off. Or perhaps they choose to look somewhat draconic? Who knows

While this keeps popping up everywhere, that argument should have gone with the newly introduced questline about emberthal choosing a visage form. Draktyr can choose whichever visage race they want to appear as, just us players are unable to cause its a lot of work to let people have fun.

They can’t. When Wrathion / Ebyssian help you discover your visage form, they remark that dracthyr visage is different from any other dragon’s and speculate there might be a reason for that. There also isn’t a single dracthyr who doesn’t have a regular dragon visage in the game, including in that questline.

Visage for any race and seperate mogs from visage/dragon seem like no brainers that’ll happen eventually, but I’d love it sooner than later. I really dislike my visage form.

“Why can’t we be any race.”

Because the 2 or 3 nerdy players who are deeply into WoW lore will be upset.

When you do the Draktyr starting area they also keep saying there’s only two spec to chose from but BAM, we got a third.
Should be the easiest of things to just have the current BE male and Human female with special options be the go-to Visage and just add all the other races as they are as a visage option. Make up any kind of lore reason to allow it.
It just baffles me everytime someone comes along to people suggesting more freedom “bUt mUh LoRe” / “bUt yOu CaNt” and all the like when it doesnt hurt them at all. They just dont want people to have nice things.

Sadly blizzard agrees with them so we cant have nice things, better transmogs, toys that dont have ten year cooldown and all of the others things that hurt nobody but could bring a smile to someones face.
The audacity to ask for FUN, imagine that.

I mean I don’t care either way, but I think it’s amusing to act like the wants that you have are more important than the wants they have, lol.

You are right, we should stop having individual wants (which might actually align with the things other people desire) and if we have them never mention them anywhere.

Wouldnt want things to change.