Why can't void elves be paladins?

Lemme rephrase: Light will grant you mercy not authority if you use void, death or fel magic, or have it biologically entwined into you, like green orcs and undead. But again, that was just the impression I had from years of there being no undead or green orc paladins.

But that’s out the window now. We technically have Undead Elf and Eredar paladins, and we definitely have Lightforged Warlocks.

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Exactly !:raised_hands:
Void elves have high elf customizations, we will probably have high elf paladins.:man_shrugging:

There are not going to be multiple Paladin customisations.

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and who said that, exactly?

They’ll eventually be able to, assuming Blizzard goes ahead with their ‘all races get all classes’ nonsense.

Just be patient. Unless of course Blizzard changed their mind (And I hope they have, even if it’s only a small hope).


Since the Earthen allied race will have every class except evoker, demon hunter and druid, I predict that by 11.0 we will have Shamans and Paladins for every race.

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I expect paladins first, the reformed primalists are already a shoe in for it.

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Well it seems that we got Light Forsaken in the alpha build so who knows maybe we could finally see paladin combos.


And even Dracthyr will soon be open to new classes :slight_smile:


An issue is not just that the combination of the opposing forces maybe volatile but the container that it is in.

What kind of damage is going to happen to a Void Elf’s organs when channeling the light?

If they add void-spell visuals to the Void Elves ‘light’ spells eventually, particularly with priests & paladins it’ll be another typical-case line after, of –

“Yeahnahnahnah – Void was the right choice – WOO!”

:joy: :joy: :joy:

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Blizz is afraid of Belf players crying and they haven’t made chargers for velfs.

I doubt it.

I think the lack of changes are because they’re getting ready just to merge all the elven variants in Midnight.

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If that’s the case, the developers could have granted Void Elves the Paladin class already, then, couldn’t they? All they had to do was recolor the Blood Elves’ charger to blue and gold and call it a day.

That’s because Void Elves were granted High Elf customizations to give role-players more freedom in how they express their character.

Steve Danuser: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/619631234?t=1h19m19s

You don’t swap your skin to pale, hair to blonde, eyes to blue, and the game now recognizes you as a High Elf; you’re still very much a Void Elf. How you personally roleplay your character will always be your business, but that doesn’t have any bearing on the actual lore of your designated race.

Because they’re void elves.
Not light elves.

Given Paladins literally embody the light, whereas priests channel it — It’d be a bit of a schism given Void Elves embody the void as part of their race.

Warlocks are a bit more complicated. They utilise:

  • The nether,
  • The fel (which is light & void in a chaotic concoction) – So a light being or a void being utilising the opposing force without harmony would make sense to create fel
  • IIRC even tap into flames from the Firelands. They’re really just “Taboo magic go!”

Warlocks may use the void sometimes — but they’re not dedicated to it.
So Lightforged Warlocks isn’t a consistent direct opposition to their nature … Whereas Void Elf Paladins would be much more-so.

However, like I said –

If they added void-visuals to their spells & such, created a ‘Void Knight’ / ‘Order of the Void’ story of some regard to go with it – Lorewise it’d sail a lot smoother.

Void elves will probably be paladins like all other races.

We will have the freedom to RP a high elf paladin with these high elf customizations and light spells. :hugs:

You know everyone is getting access to ALL CLASS/RACE Combo sans maybe evoker.

This is all a when question not a question of if. Velf will get paladins the moment everyone of the other non-paladin races does.

Danuser, at least was always in favor of anyone roll playing their character the way they wanted. They even used wildhammer dwarves as an example, even if you don’t have a wildhammer starting experience you can play your character that way. Hell, he even answered that the races of Azeroth do not think of race that same way we do.

Now, whether that is still true of current devs I can’t say but I really doubt they care. Personally, I do still want the high elf nameplate and hope it gets added by Midnight.

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I’m gonna breathe life energy out of my gross, jawless forsaken mouth, so help me

I’m sure blizz will find a way to open evoker to everyone eventually. They did it with death knights in SL after all

What? Why??