Why can't they just make a group nerf?

Instead of CONSTANTLY screwing with classes and ruining them because of PVP or groups not liking one class is stronger than them, why not just make it a group nerf?

Like if you flag yourself or get flagged for PVP, the nerf is applied. Same for if you group up at all like for Dungeons, Mythics, raids etc. Seems like a simple process that can easily be tweaked to make the whiners happy and leave PVE alone.

OR… Just do all the adjustments and then give classes buffs when they are leveling or just soloing dailies. Why would anyone complain if a (insert class here) leveled the same as (insert class here) or was slightly more powerful in PVE if they are not in direct competition?

Groups or any PVP would still be adjusted to suit the complainers and it would make it so it’s not unfair to some classes when they are leveling. Currently, thanks to all the tweaking, some classes are nearly impossible to level via questing. The only way to level a few is to run groups or dungeons and then once you hit max level and gear up, you can go back and finish the questing.

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Level scaling needs a lot of work in general. I also don’t think they care about pvp balancing at low levels because MM hunters and Arcane Mages and Resto Shamans are what they are.

Because nobody would be happy if their character became weaker because of the content they signed up for. Thats just horrible game design.

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Look at how well that turned out in diablo.

LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! It’s currently happening! PVE is getting nerfed because of people complaining in PVP! The way I mentioned, HELPS both! The PVP and raider or mythic get nothing to complain about because the nerfs they complain about happen and the PVE is happy because they DON’T get nerfed to satisfy the others.

Yet those are getting beaten bad with the nerf next tuesday!

What nerf? MM is getting a buff.

What are you talking about? The upcoming changes are all aimed at PvE, not PvP. Most of the changes are even offset in PvP.

Shhh… no need to interrupt their arm-flailing outrage with, ya know, actual reality.

This has been going on since Vanilla; ever since Battlegrounds were introduced replacing World PvP as the main form of PvP. It has caused frustration ever since.

Abilities get tweaked so as not to be so powerful in PvP/raid groups are suddenly not able to complete content due to the changes. There should have been two talent systems from the beginning for PvE and PvP so these issues would not still be present.

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??? I’m not specifically talking about the current nerf beating but the general constant adjustments. It seems like it wouyld be MUCH simpler for Blizzard to just do what I posted instead of the constant up and downs and tweaking. The way I listed would only effect the groups in those specific cases. So if you get nerfed in PVP you don’t get effected in Raids or mythic or if raids or mythic get nerfed, it doesn’t mess with general questors.

But your hissy fit is noted.

Blizzard already balances pvp and pve separately. Only in some cases they do both because it’s simpler than creating a whole list of exceptions.

As someone else already pointed out, they’ve already been doing that for years.

I’ve been telling this to my guild for a while now because most of them play “god comp” specs and now they are getting the nerf hammer for people basically abusing how strong they are in 27+ keys.

Don’t try to argue that these specs will still be fine and do ok in lower than 25. The community in M+ will always shift to a new meta and stop inviting these now nerfed god comp specs even though they can still time keys.

They will be fine mechanically but the community will shaft them from having their keys done due to these nerfs anyway. It’s just how it has always been. Good luck shadow priests and fire mages…

say what

Shadow priests arent getting replaced unless something like disc priest becomes meta healer.

Except they have not quite been doing what I said. While they may be separating PVP and PVE they are NOT separating PVE questing from Raiding and Mythics.

PVE questing is irrelevant because it’s 100% completion regardless.

No it isn’t.

They tune PvE and PvP separately. The only exceptions are when they outright remove abilities like Double Tap because it’s too strong in PvP.

Numbers get tuned separately for PvE and PvP and have for years.