Why can't I include links in my post?

You are at 5.5k posts read of 20K. So you need about 14.5k more posts read. Plus it runs over a 6 month period, not from the beginning, so it’s just according to what your stats were on your last cycle date. For me my cycle date was somewhere after Feb 20. I lost my TL3 since I just didn’t read enough posts. Honestly, it’s not worth it.

When your account cycles, all stats have to start over including your 50 days, your post read count of 20K, your likes and your posts made. You would have to know those stats and the date in order to know what you need and how long you have to do it.

I was under the assumption that the TL cycle was 6 months, but looking back at the New Forum Guide - Syntax and Features, it seems that it occurs every 100 days. Can anyone verify one way or the other? Can a MVP verify if it’s 100 days or 6 months?