Why can't I easily friend players?

In chat I have a lot of options to do just about everything except send a player a friend request. i can’t even right click their portrait and send a friend request.

The only thing I can do is either ignore and/or report them, uninvite etc.

If I want to add them manually I need their battle.net tag which is just complicated in comparison. What if they’re from a different realm I met through a queue / premade and they got DC’d? I’ll likely never see that person again.

Is the community so bad that the first thing Blizzard thought of was “how to block and report players with ease” when it comes to interacting in a game that can basically be played solo?

h tt ps : / /i mgu r. c o m/ a/2 oItI tM

(I hate this new forum format, delete the spaces)

There is a button on the friends panel that lets you add either character name or battletag/email I think… If you can target the person, there’s a right click option for battle tag friend and character friend.

“Character friend” needs to be local to your connected server group I think, though I might be wrong on that.

Hadn’t seen that. I know the right click is there on their icon if you’re in group with them.

Level 3 helping you out! Here you go!


What does this mean

Forum ‘ranks’ so to speak. Higher ranks can directly post images/videos in their posts, whereas the lower ones need to fiddle with the URL a bit.

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Why is this a thing? Sorry I’ve been away from WoW for about 10 months as of about a week ago.

Been posting on the forums since the original platform way back in the day. Blizzard picking pets these days too?

Damn, son

Just do this: ~https://imgur.com/a/2oItItM~
(if you don’t have level 3 posting privileges)

They can then highlight the link, right click and follow it.

Has nothing to do with picking pets. I certainly am not a pet to anyone. It is the new forum format. Love it or hate it, that is how it works. You have to earn certain privileges by remaining active in the forums. Read count, post, like, avoiding bans, etc. Basically, acting like a decent human in the forums.

But hey, I guess I don’t have to help your posts again…

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So, pets. Weird. Alright, thanks.

Not sure what happened to the 15 thousand or whatever posts I had over the years. now I have 199.

Blizzard has gone weird. Gonna go back to waiting for classic until my eyes bleed. Thanks for the responses.

Haven’t seen many of those around here. Maybe like 5 or 6 tops.

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I mean… she/he was actually being nice and helpful by posting the picture.

Only to be called names like “pets”…?

Some ungrateful people. smh

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