Why Blizzard forcing MW to Fistweaving

Blizzard has proposed changes that encourage players to switch from classic Mistweaver (MW) to Fistweaving (FW) playstyle in both PVP and PVE. Initially, they tried to create a caster-style gameplay for MW, but they feel they are less enjoyable and can’t find the uniqueness among other healers, so they make FW.

While FW is fun to play, Blizzard has not addressed the quality of life issues in MW gameplay and instead opted to simply increase the numbers for healing again!!! However, MW doesn’t necessarily need healing buffs; what it requires is more utility in both PVE and PVP . To make matters worse, Blizzard recently removed the Song of Chiji ability from MW.


MW never had single target healing problems so it’s odd to buff vivifys st healing then nerf its cleave. If anything they should buff the cleave and nerf the st component. People die when you need to spam vivify, without time to refresh ReM; Vivify cleave isn’t topping people off fast enough resulting in ReMs falling off and being outpaced.

They should buff EM to be more spot heal friendly - like making it a 1.5 second cast and reducing the mana cost. Why is EM the best spot heal tool still having the longest cast time and highest mana cost is beyond me.

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Good fistweaving should be monks focus not stupid caster heals, go play another healer if you cant fistweave


Firstly, it’s important to acknowledge that both Fistweaving and caster heals are important aspects of a monk’s healing toolkit. Depending on the situation and the player’s personal play style, one approach may be more effective than the other. Fistweaving can be particularly useful in scenarios where there are many friendly players close together, as it can provide a significant amount of healing while also dealing damage. However, in situations where players are spread out or taking heavy damage, caster heals may be more effective.

It’s also worth noting that players should have the option to choose the play style that best suits their preferences and abilities. While Fistweaving can be a fun and unique play style, it should not be the only viable option for Monks. Blizzard should strive to enhance the gameplay for both Fistweaving and caster-style Monks, rather than phasing out one in favor of the other.


As someone who prefers Mist better over Fist, Fist is just way better even now. Trying just about evey other combination of Mist it is rather pathetic dependent we are on Faeline. Especially when it comes to mana. I think this is just the style they want us.

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All the building blocks for a caster focused style are still in place and haven’t been removed. They buffed them slightly just recently which would seem to indicate it’s not their intention to get rid of it or force people into just one talent path. It would eliminate the entire purpose/focus of this expansions talent revamp to force people into a small subset of talents.

Hopefully caster talents will get some buffs in the long period of time between now and 10.1 release. 10.0.7 isn’t even out until the end of this month.


Mistweavers have definitely changed since its original iteration. Remember when Mistweavers used chi resource and abilities like Uplift?


I prefer FW, so for me these changes are great. Seems weird to want a normal ‘stand’n’spam’ healer when there are so many other classes to go with.


I love both ways, it just depends on my mood. Sometimes will feel i enjoy more fist when bunch of mobs but in single target boss situation prefer range heals. I guess i should make a single build that does both at the same time?


I don’t think buffing Fistweaving to be less annoying spells end of days for Unison weaving. Fistweaving still comes with a lot of intersecting layers and requirements channeling Monks don’t have to contend with up front (having a target, being in melee range, having allies close enough to splash heal them). Doing your normal thing will still be plenty effective and fun, if hauling off and drop kicking a dragon to invigorate your buddy with mist isn’t something you enjoy. (But the latter definitely seems to be more “Monk”.)


It’s because there’s no other channel/beam based healer out there. Some of us enjoy that playstyle in addition to fistweaving.


It’s just disc priest with green sparkles.

…How? Penance is Disc’s only channel-based heal, and it functions wildly differently to SooM.


The “green priest” meme is nonsense. MW in the early days was the most unique healing spec in the game, even if played as a caster.

MoP/WoD era MW as a caster (though, importantly you never had to specialize in one playstyle or another), was nothing like the other casting healers. It wasn’t until the Legion re-design that got rid of chi and oldschool mana-tea that actually did make them into a super boring super generic caster during Legion (especially outside of PvP since PvP at least got the ancient teachings talent to bring back SooM as a non-passive). Then in BfA through DF they’ve just been hovering somewhere between the MoP/WoD era and the Legion era.

The class would have been much better off if they hadn’t strayed so far from the original design after WoD IMO.



I quit during cata, didn’t play again till dragonflight. Maybe there is a wonderful and unique caster playstyle under there, but all I’ve seen seems to just be reworks of other healers.

Current content/class balance makes single target/channeling kinda obsolete. Rarely do tanks need heals let alone being spammed. This isn’t Sunwell… It’s more about mobility, versatility, and quick/aoe heals. Topping up/shielding dps before the next big aoe blast, healing up dots, running in/out of and endless array of aoe’s, pools, explosions, etc…

The hardest bosses to heal are bosses like Hyrja, Fenrir, Tempest, Azureblade, Balakar… None of these are ‘spam the tank’ type fights.

In fact the only 2 places I’ve ever used SooM is the 3rd boss in TJS, and 1 pull in AV (the 4 crystal fury pull). There just isn’t need for it anywhere else.

WW and BrM didn’t want this either. The choice node for RoP should have been current RoP or MoP RoP.

Try RBGing as a fistweaver and let me know how it works out for ya.

I enjoy fistweaving, but it is not viable in RBGs, which is a place MW is actually wanted right now.

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Doesn’t really matter.

My 397 shaman (with no feather) literally poops out 30k+ dps without even trying while monks are like HAY I HIT 30k OVERALL AT ILVL418. In AA.

It’s insane how low the DPS is for fistweaving.


Probably because dps and healing are linked, it’s not a case of stopping one for the other.

Completely agree. For a spec who’s primary utility is dps, and has all the limitations/concerns of a melee spec, you’d think they’d at least match druids/shamans in dps… but nope.