Why Aren't Night Elves Immortal Once Again?

Lol I getcha! I’m just saying it’s odd that they would be averse to giving Night Elves their immortality back when the Draenei are living right next to them living eternal lives like it’s not a big deal XD

At least the immortality issue created enemies like the Man’ari, Satyr, Mogu, and Arcforged. :memo::robot:

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Well, they couldn’t bless it before because they weren’t aspects. Now they are aspects. But it was Amirdrassil that made them so. Seems reasonable that they can’t power up the Tree with power the tree gave to them.

…Is it? I’d still think someone in the game world might at least…you know…ask a question about that maybe?

The last time someone asked (more like demanded) that they do that, that man hated the aspects and later sided with a fire elemental that hated trees. Because the aspects said “no”.

Given that the higher ups, such as Tindral duped Smolderon, it is possible that the ‘promise’ of immortality was just a con to trick the vulnerable to side with them following the war of thorns.

I mean when have cults ever told the truth?


Oh, I am certain its “true” but its the same type of immortality promised by Ragnaros/Deathwing. Sure they become immortal again, but they would likely not be night elves anymore either and become more like elemental ascendants.

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I think something as unnatural as immortality should come with consequences.

For example if blood elves were to be immortal it should be an effect of a people who are so very connected with magic. Immortality and magic are great but now you are horrible addicted to it and if you aren’t careful you will forever live as a wretched creature.

Another scenario of potential “immortality” with downsides could be the curse of undeath. I don’t think I have to list the downsides of the curse.


Because the quest for immortality is rooted in negative qualities in the story. And is thus something the Night Elves have moved away from fighting for as a whole.

In game because Nozdormu hasn’t given it to them.

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But now we have a functioning tree. So why doesnt anybody ask about this? Are the dragons just spiteful toward the night elves because of a single archdruid and his cronies?

I’m sorry but these just read like excuses. There’s no reason not to at least address this.

Again, I’m not for or against night elf immortality. Thats not what this is about, really. It’s about what I always thought was a major aspect of their story arc being basically ignored when it seems like it should be relevant again.

The Draenei are side-eyeing you right now. :stuck_out_tongue:

And what is the in-universe explanation for why this hasn’t once come up in conversation?

Again, I’m not for or against immortality. If it’s meant to be a negative thing, then WRITE THAT. They just seem to be letting this major aspect of the night elf story fall by the wayside, only to be briefly mentioned by some druids of the flame in the Emerald Dream. How is it that not a single non-hostile night elf has even considered asking the big bronze dragon to re-up their eternal life contract?

I mean, are we assuming this is Blizzard’s attempt at being subtle? Because you can’t convince me Blizzard has a subtle bone its body right now.

They did, outside of the druids of the flame thing it was one of the main storyline for the night elves in Mists.

That was Malfurion who did that, not the nelfs per se. Not a fan of him. Glad he and his girlfriend retired.

ya I was about to say, there was like a huge storyline in MoP about Night elves grappling with their lost immortality and their selfish desire to become Immortal again and why they need to let it go and learn to live normal mortal lives

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I said in the sentence above that sentence, but to say it longer.

Because the Night Elves have generally moved away from seeking immortality as it was become associated with negative qualities. Namely their long isolation and disconnection from others. And vaguely greed as well.

Kind of comes up when they sacrifice it in the first place. Also highlighted in the stories of Teldrassil and Fandral overreaching. Then later in Mists with Loreseeker Vaeldrin’s story.

That story has been told.


Plus lets be honest, Nozdormu going around making people/entire species immortal is for sure not natural and probably messes with the balance of life and death a bit.

Besides its not like he owes it to the night elves, or anyone to just make them ageless just cause they want it. The fact he gave them the blessing in the past is irrelevant. If someone gifts you something and you lose it, or give it up, they dont owe you another gift.

Countless races have saved the world countless of times over in the past few decades alone, he isn’t dolling out immortality to them

I wonder if perhaps this was the only way he could see to ensure the Night Elves were present in the modern era?

Yeah. We just had a big to-do about rebirth where we see Night Elves can reincarnate or whatever. And that cycle of life and death is important re: Shadowlands.

So then what was the other person talking about when she said she’s played night elves forever and never once saw them mention or care about immortality outside of Staghelm? The argument she used to justify why they wouldnt mention or care about regaining their immortality with the new tree?

Make it make sense.

Did you miss Mists of Pandaria? Granted I played Horde at the time so I missed this too.

Then they should address this.

At all. In any way. XD

And if it was unnatural, why do it in the first place? I’m not saying you’re wrong about any of this. Thematically, I think you have a lot of good points. I’m saying this only fuels my frustration that they’re largely just ignoring this.

How does immortality make you isolated and disconnected, and why doesnt this apply to the draenei? Gee, I wish they would EXPLORE THESE IDEAS SOME MORE :stuck_out_tongue:

Their fans. Not saying it to sound cruel, but night elf fans are some of the most toxic out there.

What came first? The toxic night elf fan? or the cuckening of the night elves?

Because you basically lack as many of the same concerns as mortals, that can make one disconnected. And that disconnect and power can feed into pride that also leads to isolation. The Night Elves ultimately shut themselves off from most of the world until forced to do otherwise.

It does to some extent. The Draenei were rather isolated and disconnected, they did their best to remain so on Draenor. Which also made it easier for the orcs to be convinced against them. They also joined the Alliance in an incredibly perilous situation, after the remnants of remnants crashed onto Azeroth.

But Draenei immortality isn’t really stressed in their story like Night Elves at all. Likely because it is just a random device to have Velen have a personal connection with the Legion leaders from super long ago while still being alive. Their immortality isn’t really a focus of their narrative.