Why are you guys in denial?

Fixed that for yah

As always, a lot of people get really mad if you donā€™t hate every aspect of WoW as much as they do.

Donā€™t you dare have the audacity to enjoy anything WoW related.


People defending Blizzard are seriously in denial . Look i have played WOW for years i assume so have many of you guys . The clownfiesta blizzard has pulled these last days has been the last straw for many of us. For My brother , my cousing and myself the last straw was what they did to the Argentinian accounts. You cant pay with any international method anymore so that means international students are gone so are the millitary. The silliest part is they cant even update their policy when u got to pay and they still allow you to select different billing address instead of just leaving Argentina dont believe me check yourself .

https:// imgur. com/a/dvXUEs5

Remove the space after the // and the DOT

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Idk ā€¦ the more I see the more itā€™s kinda of like ā€œThereā€™s no way you enjoy anything about the game because these few things are terribleā€

I have some MAJOR complaints about SL. But Iā€™m pretty sure most people have major complaints about ever xpac since TBC. Does that mean we should hate the whole game because there are things about it we dont like? According to SM and GD ā€¦ the answer is a resounding YES!!!

The numbers are no different than BFA and Legion.

And I agree. There are definitely some issues of SL I would like to see changed. Definitely some decisions I do not agree with.

But there are also some decisions I liked and some forms of content I feel they did a good job on.

If I speak up about the few things I likedā€¦then I am just a Blizzard paid employee posting on the forums.


I am by no means thrilled with certain aspects of the game. That being said, it is so much better than BfA. I find I have plenty to do to keep me occupied. Also being said, the fact that I have 5 alts at 60 and no real progression left this early worries me.
Even 9.2 seems like we are getting our ā€˜argusā€™ already. I hope they have big tricks up their sleeves.

This, This, All of that, and the rest of what he said.



good work op.

this sunday thread has got the most bites iā€™ve seen for a very long time.


Its why I see Classic servers busting at the seams right now with so much going on In prep for TBC, new guilds firing up, lots of server events, Incendious Horde have a great new guild that does a ton of stuff together! ā€œApes together Strongā€ its an absolute blast ā€¦sure its classic and slow levelling and weā€™ve all been there and seen it but to be part of a community again that plays together is so much fun

This we agree on. Esp when it comes to just BALANCING classes.

It takes 5 mins to review the data to tell that, if youā€™re trying to get a ~5% range in DPS between best and worstā€¦ and you currently have an almost 30% range, then you need to be doing hotfixes. DAILY.

Instead, Blizz keeps with their approach: 6 weeks to do HUUUUGE, ham-fisted changes or nothing at all.

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not defending them, SL has major issues. but the drop on player numbers is totally normal for this point in any given xpac.

The biggest mark of the Covenant systemā€™s failure IMO is their unwillingness to balance it properly right now, because they donā€™t want to ruin the feel of Covenants that players already feel locked into.

Balancing is a HUGE issue in Shadowlands, and it makes the player agency within their content nearly nonexistent. Itā€™s just so frustrating.

I wager that you donā€™t necessarily care much about aesthetics or story? I believe that people who generally donā€™t and are only here to do some group content with friends are the remaining players that are still having a good time. I could be entirely wrong though.

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checks notes


I fall into this category.

Maybe itā€™s just that most of the people who are still here are the ones who donā€™t hate SL?

Shadowlands was awesome when it first came out, but it looks like itā€™s going to be another WoD sadly.

did not expect this post to blow upā€¦ :expressionless:

Iā€™d be really interested to know how many people are left that are in the same boat I am.

I absolutely hate Shadowlands. Itā€™s not fun for me, even leveling from 50 to 60 isnā€™t fun another time. Something about this entire expansion is just dull and unattractive.

And people are like ā€œwell, if you donā€™t like it, just leave.ā€

But I donā€™t hate WoW, I just hate Shadowlands. Iā€™m really enjoying the leveling revamp. I just made a new Warlock and took him through the entirety of the Ghostlands story for the first time since, like, BC. I absolutely love this game, I just hate the newest part of it.

So, I mean, Iā€™m still playing WoW, Iā€™m just not really playing Shadowlands.


this is the real truth and everyone knows it no oneā€™s saying the game is dead but it sure ainā€™t in a good place. and as mad as some players are they might just stay tbc for awhile especially if they actually start having fun there. and ya it does matter if you do endgame content. cause big amounts of players quitting affect it greatly.