Why are we trying to kill Gallywix?

He was against the war because he felt Garrosh would mismanage it and cost him profits. Even in 5.1 there was a note to one of his underlings. Ignore Horde order if it bankrupts Garrosh and his forces even if the order came from Garrosh.


Minimizing the fallout was his Plan C. The Blank Scroll, which the writers kind of forgot about, revealed his Plan A was to sue for a peace deal before Theramore, since he was smart enough to scrutinize faction war as cost-ineffective; and his Plan B was to seize pandaren artifacts as leverage against Garrosh, since he knew better than to hand an untrustworthy and wasteful warchief ultimate power.

So naturally, in his next appearance, he’s handing ultimate power over to a zombie warchief about as far away from cupidity as Gruul is from composing poetry.


All of what you say here i had no idea about, and now i am noticing, there is very little if no Gallywix in MoP, if i remember correctly no?

I do find very weird we did not had more of him during that expac.

The same people who complain about Gallywix dying also complain about the orc internment camps.

Yeah, Gallywix was the only Horde leader MoP’s 5.1 patch didn’t align against Garrosh (save for Sylvanas, who Vol’jin claimed needed no convincing), so they filled in the blanks with that short story. It’s a fun read, one of maybe three glimpses of a smarter, more redeemable Gallywix.

But much like Garrosh and Stonetalon, it’s also dross now. A one-dimensional wacky villain is the Gallywix they committed to and apparently that’s what the fans want. So it goes.


Someone call the ambulance & the fire-brigade!! There’s been a sick, sick burn :joy:

:fire: :fire: :fire:


Not me I just want what is left of my favorite characters to live. And be the one who personally Kills Baine and Thrall and his stupid family for their treason.

Yes. Because you hate the Horde.

We know this already.


Well, he does love the mass genocide warcraft 1 and 2 horde. That much we know too. But yes, the modern horde, as in Thralls horde?

Indeed he does hate that version of the horde and what it represents.


Thrall is a pansy that is personally resonsible for most our losses.

MoP: Garrosh caused most of the Horde’s losses.
BfA: Sylvanas caused all of the Horde’s losses.

But sure, okay, you can blame Thrall.


How dare Metzen be under surgery during BFA’s making thus writing Thrall’s story out, he totally let us all down



Garrosh killed by Thrall
Cairne killed by Garrosh
Nazgrim killed by the Horde group
Kargath killed under orders of Nazgrel
Zul’jin killed by the Horde.
Kael’thas killed by the Horde twice.
Rend Blackhand killed by the Horde.

Thrall and his bootlickers are the worst enemy of anything Horde related and continues to multilate itself all the time.

I don’t blame Metzen I blame Blizzard as a company.

And that’s why i hated him from hello.

Ah okay were back on Ere’s delusional fantasy of the Horde that never even touched reality got it

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If the Horde was a monarchy Rend would have been rightful leader.

Kargath still has fanboys.

Blame Thrall for not actually preventing it.

What does this have to do with the price of tea in Tennessee?

Just as soon as you blame Doomhammer for Kaelthas.

Objectively a good thing.

Garrosh’s fault.
Caused by following Garrosh.
Was doing objectively evil things.

Had gone to war with everyone.
Tried to summon demons to Azeroth.

Was working with Deathwing’s kid and therefore evil.

I’m noticing a trend here, Everine. You think the biggest crimes possible are ones where the goals of the Burning Legion are thwarted.

You can just say that you really wish to be a demon-worshipper committing genocide in the name of your infernal masters.

It’d make everything easier.


And Magetha’s! But no let’s blame Thrall -_-

Totally goes to sleep to “Don’t look so smug” Kaelthas ASMR

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Like, somehow everyone else’s actions are all Thrall’s fault. If Erevine didn’t openly wish to be a demon’s slave-boy committing genocide for his owners, I bet he’d blame Thrall for Gul’dan making a deal with the Legion in the first place.

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No they just used RTS personas cuz they lacked creativity to create new enemies and burned through all legends of the past. They will never do the same with the alliance due to bias.