If you want to talk about current content, go do that. I’m talking about legacy content. There is no “overpowered” in legacy content. It completely doesn’t matter. It’s just cosmetics.
These same nerfs, combined with triple health, make old raids like Nyalotha much more dificult. Nyalotha, when TWW launches, will be THREE expansions ago. In SL, Legion content had a legacy damage buff such that pretty much any content was soloable and you one shot everyone. In SL, Legion was TWO expansions prior.
I dunno, I was doing normal Nathria last night and I got part of the way through it. My only roadblock being the Devourer on my Evoker, since so much of my defense is self healing I’m kind of on a timer with it.
My issue wasn’t clearing most things, it was that legacy loot hadn’t been enabled yet. So bosses were dropping nothing but anima. I got only 1 item from my run at all, which didn’t make me want to try Devourer again.
This is an Ion type of response. The usual “Once you hit +10” more levels have decent gear it should be slightly easier than it was the prior expansion.
The gear is garbage, no need to act like it is some type of “easy way to get over powered.” People only do the legacy content for t-mog, mounts, toys, etc… no need to act like it needs to be more difficult 3 expansions later.
Ok so, after reading all the posts here on the forums and feeling really bad about trying it, I finally decided to just see for myself how bad these changes were. Went and did Ny’alotha mythic with this character. Took me about an hour and 45 minutes to get through, pretty much only fighting bosses and required trash.
Ultimately I never seemed to be in danger of dying, but holy crap what a slog. Most bosses were 3-4 minutes long with Il’gynoth being 5, Carapace being 7 and N’zoth being 11. To be fair, I’m neither geared to the teeth nor very experienced with running the place in general, but still. Who wants to spend nearly two hours running a raid that’s two expansions old? I don’t think I’ll be doing this again.
It’s crazy that being 508 ilvl is not enough to steamroll the content from 2 full expansions ago, when in the past having questing greens was enough to literally one shot every boss. It makes me even more upset when people just say “yeah bro just get full raid gear and you’ll have an easy time”, totally missing the point.
The only reason I can see to remotely justify it is if certain bosses die to quickly then they can glitch and not drop loot. I really don’t think that’s the case but it’s the only reason I could come up with.
Because there are a ton of people that play this game that wouldn’t buy the new expansion until it was deeply on sale near the end. As a result, they try and make it as annoying as possible to push those people into the new expansion for the power gains.
They haven’t even given SL legacy loot yet. Didn’t BfA get legacy loot before DF even launched? It’s probably because they know that pretty much nobody’s bothering to run SL content, especially now after the buffs.