Why are warrior runes so boring?!

Two words:

exponential scaling

Warriors are a ticking timebomb because of how the rage positive feedback loop works. Blizz’s hands are tied on giving them anything too crazy or they’ll take over the game again.

Barring absurd armor values, warriors are going to be climbing back towards the top of the damage meter again this phase despite the runes they have.

Yet every rune they add is % damage and makes the situation worse.

Blizzard - “warriors scale to well due to the damage/rage/damage loop and are difficult to balance”

Also blizzard: “here’s 50% flat damage modifiers”

Tbh this this fully a poor dev team problem.


The better the class the more bland the runes. If they move everyone equally nothing changes and the game gets too easy

garbage excuse thats just called lazy balancing. And if anything they just made them more boring and even more op at 60 with all these passive modifiers thats bound to scale crazy at 60


Warrior runes are just as boring as playing the class itself in era. Yet they’ll still probably be top of the meters.

Just wait for NURSE WARRIOR spec recently datamined.


because baseline warriors are overpowered in vanilla so they are trying not to make the problem worse also with warbringer warriors main counter in pvp is less effective against them and in pve they are destined to be top dps so all you have to do is wait a few patches for this to happen no matter what other classes get wars will still outscale them unless they go out of their way to break other classes like they did with the soon to be nerfed lake of fire rune for destruction warlocks hunters were also completely overpowered and still did not put out the damage that dual wield fury warriors do on low armor targets and gnomer has extremely high armor to try to combat the scaling that physical dps classes deal i think runes like gladiator stance will probably do a lot to make warriors interesting since it will presumably allow you to devastate in all stances disarm and use retaliation shield wall and recklessness without a stance dance as long as you have a shield equipped i do think warriors should probably get shattering throw at some point but paladins are crybabies so im not sure blizzard will consider it until they make paladins as faceroll as enh was in s2 anyway thats just my 2c

Just wait until level 50. We will likely be using a 13-28-0 build. That’s right, no 31 talent ability… the only class going backwards.

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More creativity in their april fools joke than their actual warrior sod runes.


Rune of bloody armor

When rend deals damage it applies a stack of sunder armor. If the target has 5 stacks of subder armor (or equivalent debuff) rend now refunds 10 rage on use.

This makes warriors able to easily apply the debuff with 1 gcd, and when they have an open gcd after that tend can be added to the rotation as it will be free.

Warrior is just a generic non magic class that aspires to become something else in the long term. Its your fault for choosing the adventurer arch type sorry

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Have glad stance

Be deep prot.

Literally lock someone out of dealing damage to you for at least 6 solid seconds


Shield slam

Sword and board

Mor3 shield slam


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Did you mention shield slam? Cant forget that one, its a big deal.

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Glad stance will probably end up being really good with the right build.

I’m still staying Arms though. I’ll get Overpower procs off Rend ticks next phase. That’s about it.

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I hate how the conversation always devolves into PVE for runes. I think there is some room for pvp/solo open world runes that could be added. I don’t think a lot of warriors are asking for PVE buffs based on most of the conversations I have seen. I think adding a spell reflect rune or bladestorm (maybe takes place of sweeping strike?) would appease most of them. I think lawnmower memestorm has always been the most fun ability on warrior in my opinion. There’s obviously some wiggle room, but I don’t understand the warrior hate on the forums for the open world experience. Clearly you get the lol just roll a shaman/paladin/mage/hunter, but it would be nice to give them some tools to create a more enjoyable experience. It’s frustrating to me in the same way when people tell hunters to stop complaining about being forced to go melee. Again it isn’t hard to add “fun” abilities and prevent them from becoming OP in pve/pvp even with scaling.


Because there’s a chance that Warrior could be really good at 60, so therefore they need to make Warrior mediocre/average for the phases before that point.

It is literally impossible for the devs to adjust/balance Warrior pre-Phase 4, if the class ends up being a little too strong before level 60.

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I mean i respectively disagree. I don’t think anyone is arguing that warriors won’t be good at 60. I think I detect the sarcasm as I type this lmao. I’m willing to bet money that putting in memestorm would quell an overwhelming portion of the warrior population. I empathize for warrior mains who just want to be able to have viability open world farming on pvp servers. It’s not like quick strike or raging blow are overpowered. A lot of people argue the prot warrior meme from phase 1, but I don’t think any warriors were actively championing the 1 button build. Warriors already have a fairly decently high skill cap imho, nothing wrong with letting them meme when they go farm on their own. Especially when you have hunters/mages clearing dungeons to boost, or rogues that were selling loot from RFK in phase 1 lol.

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My comment was semi-sarcastic. If my comment sounds stupid, it’s because it is. But the rationale behind it is 100% true.

People say that because Warrior could be good at 60, they need to be bad now. And they actually believe it.

Instead of giving Warrior fun things now and going crazy with them, and de-tuning any abilities which might overperform, they just say “Nope, they need to be weak because they could be strong later.” And move on with their day.


Fair lol, it can be hard to tell on the forums sometimes lol. I hear you. I wouldn’t mind if we didn’t have to wait 8 months to be 60 lol. I still hope to get titans grip or memestorm (or both) and keep running gnomer until I get the sunglasses. Titan grip glasses human/orc warrior would be peak aesthetic.


They could add all of that right now, and simply tune it as needed. But they won’t.

What do I get (as Arms) for Phase 3? My Rend ticks can now proc Overpowers. That’s it.

But again, I could be good at some point in the next 6 months, so gotta keep it weak and kinda boring for now. That’s the rationale from the devs, and the players.