Why are the forums still using a dragonflight banner?

When you’re on the main forums section, before you click on any group like General, the banner is on the top.

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Hmm big sexy dragon :dragon_face:
Her humanoid form isn’t bad either, but I am like my hero donkey from Shrek, I know what I like.
Keep her there, I would rather see her than one of the ugly stone dwarves I completely forgot the name from TWW.


Puts a Ysera outfit on the half Kaldorei wife “Hot.”

I unironically love these

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a bowl of fruit.

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What banner are you even talking about? I don’t see any banner at all.

omg I lol’d so hard at this :rofl:


Glad you and others seem to like it. It was literally the first thing that came to mind though when I heard “updated” TWW “Banner.”

I dunno if that says more about current WoW/Blizz or me. :man_shrugging:

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I really wish people would quit moaning about this lol it’s a wallpaper. Find something to do.

Slaps speaker Brinthe in a speedo on the banner "bam, new tww banner, you’re welcome!!"

Impressive paint skills… :smiley:



I even remade the login page and sent it to Blizz. They just don’t care, unless they are waiting til Midnight to put up some World Saga banner.