Why are people allowed to troll/throw/grief random BG with no consequence?


As I said earlier in the thread, it would be good to scale players up in random bgs if their ilevel is too low. Preferably within 2 raid tiers of conquest gear.

not fast enough though, they need to put a 70 boost in the game. i hate leveling anything at this point, i canā€™t be the only one sick of it. i have to imagine that if they added a 70 boost and made it a reasonable price like $20, a lot of people would just boost every toon on their account.

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was at 190k hp mw monk full greens fresh 70 first epic bg and lit almost out healed our geared heals yeah i dont care what anyone thinks either at this point .


and before you try calling me a liar its the ashran under the top red line btw as proof .
this is my monks solo q epics for the week , the only bad rng is the bad rng of my teammates lol .

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It actually isnā€™t ridiculous, today we had a healer with 250k health, and the Alliance healer had 650k health, even on my tank we still lost a flag carry map. I get it I donā€™t pay for someoneā€™s subscription but this is an MMO where your decisions or lack of affect your team.

I would also point out that a player can easily queue BGs from 67-70 and have enough for a full honor set.

Funny you claim to carry low gear players so I am astonished that you arenā€™t aware that a player can save honor when leveling, and if you queue BGS from 67-70 it is more than enough to get a full honor set.

I tried queuing for these, but the queues never seemed to pop, so I went back to dungeon spam. Also, that bracket is infested with party syncers, isnā€™t it?


Lowbies hardly pops . Itā€™s best to level to 60 then park it for rested xp wait until time walking then cont dungeon spam leveling . Kinda mad they made it lvl 60 only it used to b great to level lower level toons.


Im trying find the connection between those two statements so I can give a proper response. But I dont see where you were trying to go with this. But ill give it a shot.

Bging from 67-70 would take much longer than other methods of leveling. Plus much lower honor gains per match. Its faster just to get to 70 and bg


hp means nothing when u peel for your healers , i had less hp then that doing normals and i won both abs within top 3 heals . on my monk while she was gearing inbetween epic spam .

I would recommend to just queue battlegrounds and buckle up for the party syncers. Wasnā€™t so bad for my last toon, since I was leveling a tank and got insta queues for dungeons from 60-66, so I had decent gear. But the moment I hit 70 I was about to do Rateds.

Actually it doesnā€™t, because of level 70ā€™s able to queue lower levels I got very fast queue times, 2-4 minutes average so that is false. Plus rather than hinder my team I took the responsible route which is saved my honor, as a matter of fact by the time I hit 67 I already had like 9,000 honor points.

It does, you are a good healer the majority I see with low health play like their health, which is very bad. Last night was on a flag map with a 250k MW Monk, I was on my Blood DK and every time I got the flag my healer was nowhere to be found but healing mid, the player didnā€™t even make an attempt to heal me or win the battleground.

its a skill issue at that point . tbh .

Even if you got 4 minute queues, that doesnt make anything I said false. Its fact that bgs are terrible for xp in comparison to other methods. Its also fact that you get more honor per bg 70.

It is false you stated the queue times take to long, you stated that, and it is false.

I havenā€™t done the math but while leveling my last toon I probably capped honor at least 4 times and got to level 70 in a week.

And where did I say that.

Paraphrasing here,

You basically said doing battlegrounds would take longer to ding from 67-70. Which isnā€™t true, won a couple and dinged pretty fast.

I got from 67 to 70 in about 30 minutes. Good luck doing that in bgs.

No you didnā€™t. You are a different kind of cat, sometimes I donā€™t know whether you are trolling or just full of it.

Its common knowledge bgs are one of the slowest methods of leveling its funny watching you try and deny it.
And as far as my leveling my alts went, ever heard of cobalt assembly?