Why are people allowed to troll/throw/grief random BG with no consequence?

lit in full green gear like in the picture you keep posting of me only i was in full leveling greens cuz all i did was the bastion SL intro then i spammed timewalking then i qued epics got an ashran was my first bg on my fresh 70 monk and i healed fine .

the picture you keep boasting with to prove a point was my 2nd game which was a wintergrasp which i only needed belt and gloves left before i was full pvp gear 437s .

so again ask me plz next time dont be so shy .


i know it was me bcuz i had those very same pieces and the corner is a void elf background and the realm is Sargeras which is my realm and it just happens to be a mw monk bcuz it was MY monk . I would also know because i had bout cheap quest greens to q timewalking in . Because in order to q for timewalking you need ilvl 175+ . since i didnt want to relevel thru the slog of SL all over again i qued for timewalking . so yes i would know that it is indeed my toon .

not sorry for being unpleasant when ppl liek holy cow are lying about me not sorry .

Keep an eye on their movements and patterns. You might be dealing with a bot. WoTLK Classic had a terrible problem with Death Knight bots that were running the same path…almost hilarious to watch if it didn’t hurt your team so much.

Consider getting an addon called “Have We Met”, and making notes on good/bad players.

If you keep running into somebody that is a great teammate, you can mention your previous battlegrounds and see about adding them to your friends list to group up for a partial premade in the future.

If you keep running into somebody who keeps sabotaging your team, you can alert the rest of the group, and ask them to report/eject the player for sabotaging team progress.

Tonight I had an Arathi Basin where all three healers on our team had less than 400k health. Not only did we win, but we won by a pretty good margin too. People had a good attitude right from the start and it was that good attitude, teamwork, and communication that won the match.

Gear matters, but that one person on your team having poor gear is probably not the reason for your loss. Your bad attitude hurts your team more than their gear gap.


also heres your lil proof
luckily i still have my leveling gear in my bags


When you win you don’t lose time and effort. You trade it for the rewards of winning.

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I queued a bg the same hour i hit 70 in my level 60 timewalking dungeon gear and had hp in the 200k’s, and outhealed the other healer on my faction playing the same class who had like 550k+. We were in all the same fights too so it wasn’t a base sitting discrepancy lol


Having gear/hp doesn’t help someone press buttons by any means

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Lets be real. There are no “real” rewards for winning normal bgs. I just sit at honor cap and add another mark of honor to my collection of thousands. And as far as time goes, winning did cost you time.
The only people truely rewarded from normal bgs are peoe that need the honor for gear. Aka the people they are harassing.

And the people who play BGs just for… fun?

I know that’s an unfathomable concept, tar and feather me now, but like, it’s real. People like BGs. They’re fun, especially with friends.


Ok then have fun. A player with bad gear has no effect on the amount of fun I have.

No, conquest is the real reward. I don’t like doing arenas or coordinating with people, so normal bgs is how I get it.

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Well that’s your own fault that you choose the worst method of getting conquest, especially with the addition of solo shuffle. Of course you are free to do it this way, but you need to accept the fact that this is the intended place for people to get honor for gear.

Worst method? Not for me. Conquest cap is 550 a week. 1 daily Epic bg win conveniently gives 110 conquest. So 5 wins/week is cap, which really isn’t much at all. And these bgs can be played on my second monitor. And my fresh 70s can do them. Can’t do that with arenas can you?

If all people cared about is honor, then why do so many dip when a loss is inevitable? Losses still give honor and they wouldn’t have to wait 15 mins to queue again.

It’s because there’s no conquest for losses. There’s also no chance of getting a splinter of shadowflame for a loss. That’s why I dip and log onto alts to get my daily conquest win.

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I mean you can, my 10 hours played at max level fresh 70 is at 1800 2s with most pieces being conquest and only a few honor pieces left lol. Started with full crafted 424 greens

Didn’t get 4set until the last hour though

When I said fresh I forgot about crafted gear. But you have to be good at arena to do that, have a partner to play with, have addons, etc. In epic bgs you just queue up and get carried. Plus being undergeared you can hop in vehicles and still contribute.

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Well try not to get harassed by the op while you do this lol.

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I feel overall players get too psyched over hp numbers and would be happier with just percentages turned on lol
(Not you specifically, just in general whenever i read things about gear complaints here or ingame)

Bruh you are tryin to compare raids and dungeons to RANDOM BGS. Homie the healer HAS to be healing in order for most dungeon groups to be able to complete it (unless you get lucky and have a level 70 tank with lots of gear just spank the whole dungeon for you) ALSO RAIDS IF SOMEONE HAS NO LEARNED THE MECHANICS FOR A FIGHT AND HAVE NO LEARNED AFTER MULTIPLE ATTEMPTS THEY ARE HALTING PROGRESSION AND WASTING LOTS OF PEOPLES TIME <— THIS does not apply to random bgs im sorry if you lose the bg but thats not stopping your progression at all ESPECIALLY IF you have full gear already.
It’s not even the person with low gear most of the time who start the conflict its a “leaderboard” andy with gear saying “Oh my goood man im the only one doing damage you all are trash” meanwhile you have all of your best stat pvp pieces and are even calling out people with gear. Get over it.

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why not?

also pvp isn’t about progression, at least not in the same sense that PVErs talk about progression. pvp progression can be had in any instance of pvp.

i called out behavior, not gear. and idk where you are going on about me being in bis, i still have several pieces of honor gear, no 2/4 set, and only a 441 weapon. people do have to gear yes, but, you can buy greens in the AH, they give you 2 crafted 450s, and you can send honor and conquest to alts. i literally dinged 70 on my evoker and bought 4 honor items. but i also took some personal responsibility and didn’t step into any roles that would be heavily gear reliant until my evoker was ready.

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I hardly ever look at peoples’ gear in a random battleground, just like I don’t pay much attention to the stats board.

I think sometimes people just try to over-analyze random battlegrounds for no reason. People would have better times if they didn’t focus on the things that don’t matter nearly as much as they think they do.