Why are people allowed to troll/throw/grief random BG with no consequence?

I just don’t understand how some of these players reached level 70.

If they leveled via PvP, they would have enough honor points for a full set of honor gear.

If they leveled via PvE, they would have better gear.

Did they just go AFK while other people farmed 10 levels of exp for them?


When did anyone say they told someone to shut up? Please link me where anyone said that.

A lot of people do this, yeah. Can boost 60-70 really quickly.


You would be correct, if you queue battlegrounds from level 67-70 it give you enough honor for a full PvP honor set.

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Read the OP

Many power leveling services cause that to happen.

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Even if you didnt mention that you were horde i would have guessed it. I swear random bgs are where the horde alts live and never progress. One healer on my team had 162k health the other day which is essentially naked. Meanwhile it seems like alliance have their toons, gear them, and stick to them. Albeit half of them are all rets but still. In my bg grouping horde get their buttholes punched due to improper gear. Worst part is since this season we have the recruitment bonus so I cant even go merc mode. Should have to have atleast the green crafted gear to queue bgs.


Yummy <3 <3

Why would that be good . In SL those lucky to gear up the FOTM classes stayed on top entire season while the others quit .

In DF everyone call play any spec and easily gear it up .

I just did and according to OP it was the under geared player that cursed and got his or her panties in a bunch over someone trying to HELP!

Really? What % of players pay for leveling services?

Enough for cobalt assembly xp to get nerfed.

Not always. If you dungeon grind, RNG, questing it depends entirely on the quest lines you do. If you hop between zones you can miss out on some slots. If it’s their entire set? Sure they might’ve bought a boost.

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I get feeling frustrated but a single person on your team being under geared isn’t usually going to be the deciding factor on whether your team wins or loses especially if they queued as DPS. Now if they were also actually doing things to sabotage gameplay such as going AFK or trashtalking then just report them and move on.

This is the single most ridiculous post lol. You wanna chose and or dictate how much gear someone needs to go into a bg?
Start a LFG and form a rbg group. Tons of people use those as ways to get their bg/pvp fix. Random battlegrounds were made for the gearing process so getting upset over Timmy having 200k cause hes getting ready to gear his first level 70 or someone on a alt, is cringe.
If you have full gear and you spam random bgs, you dont really anything to gain other than getting honor capped. They need gear so how about you take your full conquest/crafted gear self into the actual end game content for pvp and let people gear how they please in peace.


no, random bgs were made for pvp. the idea that it is a stepping stone in progression towards RBGs is wrong. most people only play randoms and even rbgers still come back to unrated when not pushing.

if you go to any other game mode and act like some pugs in bgs act, they would not hesitate to kick you, healer not healing? gone, dps can’t avoid raid wiping mechanic? gone, tank can’t hold any aggro? gone. thats just performance issues, we aren’t even talking about personality conflicts.

why is it that unrated pvpers are just supposed to put up with the worst behavior from players while in any other game mode it is acceptable to rebuke and kick subpar players who are wasting your time and efforts?


nah its called timewalking i dont need a boost and its called queuing epics for gear im not wasting my gold on gear im going to replace anyway quickly . Tell your buddy to give the full picture if your going to make assumptions about me . Or you could you know just ask me . But go ahead keep lying about me and posting the picture .

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i didn’t buy a boost i did timewalking lol, again just literally ask me before you make assumptions .

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never needed one


Funny that you just made an assumption when I said might. There’s no name in their screenshot, how would I know to ask YOU of all people. You are too deeply unpleasant to interact with.