Why are most people going to a PvP server? ⚔

I look at WPvP as a special event happening all around.

Long time ago in darkshire there were two brothers. They were on adventure, one was a hunter, the other a mage. Not Very experienced or known about(level 30). They were out killing enemies in the area.

Then an announcement came out darkshire is being attacked and not before long yells and screams of a powerful lock is destroying darkshire(level 46 or 48).

So, the brothers started towards darkshire, thinking of a plan on how to take this undead lock out.

They finally arrive on the outskirts of town fellow adventures running in different directions and one is saying run.
The unease feeling crept into both brothers and they continued cautiously. They spotted the undead lock on his death of a horse.

The battle rage on for a while. The hunter and mage new if the lock hit them they were dead. the fight crept on and the lock started back peddling out of the town. The villagers start assisting the two adventures before long the lock was defeated by two nobodies this continued about two more times.

High level killing low level players but the hunter became the hunted.
I like be WPvP it’s like unforeseen things will occur in the game. It’s an amazing feeling being apart of that.