Why are human female paladins not a meme?

We dress better.

(wiggles eyebrows)

Note to self: Be Judge Dredd Lawful good, not Ned Stark Lawful good.


I am in fact female IRL and a badass medieval lonswordswoman at that.

I dreamed up this character in 1999 and roleplayed with her. She just translated to a female human paladin for this world.

Isn’t he more lawful neutral though? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well… he follows and upholds the law in so far as the law provides for good outcomes according to the code. So, I would paint Dredd as the Lawful Good who didn’t use int as a dump stat, and Ned stark as the one who did.

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They are far more awesome and attractive than their male counterparts.

I’d dare say my life is incomplete without one.


If you’re a human female paladin, you’re hiding behind an avatar. Human male paladins look like the player does IRL obviously. And since all human male paladins are chads, the person playing them is a chad as well.

I do not think most players are walking flashlights behind the keyboard. Goodness I hope not, or else they may need to get themselves checked out.

They look like npcs

Female humans in heavy armor with holy powers are a standard in anime, especially retribution types with giant 2 handers, so the majority of people making memes don’t see them as unusual.

I feel like , the most specific it is, the most “pointed finger” feeling it gives.

I mean, you’re not just a Paladin. You’re not just any human Paladin either.

You’re a MALE … HUMAN … PALADIN -points finger- .

Every Human Female rogue I meet is a diehard pvper who makes fun of my lack of pvping abilities.

It’s the males dance that completes the whole thing too haha female human dance isn’t good enough.