Why Are Fotm Rerollers so Rampant?

yep, pretty much why I have others ready to go. Id prefer my enhance sham but frustratingly fighting tooth and nail when compared to my better balanced/meta op classes then Ill choose the rd of less resistance… Whiiiich was why I have a DH, War, Hunter, aaaanndd good ol ret pally in the hopper ready to go when I get sick of dirt getting kicked in my enhance shaman face.

Community is toxic af so screw it you might as well just give yourself an easy ride on their tears with the super slick ret surf board.

Thanks for the saddles, pretty much all I wanted

People being able to make and play alts relatively easy is a good thing, but when it’s coupled with Blizzard over compensating for years of pvp neglect with this rapid fire, no testing approach to implementing big changes that leads to broken OP specs, we get this toxic cesspool.

Their approach would be fine, even preferred, if they had a dedicated pvp testing group of Devs. They apparently don’t, so this crap fiesta is what we have. The best part is we pay a monthly subscription for this. :clown_face: :red_car: get in!


Cause these turds like gen z or streamers and don’t care about fantasy or they have to make money bud.

this expansion has made gearing for pvp a literal cake walk. you can ding 70 and literally gear up in 1 day. if this was slands i dont think FOTM rerolling would be this rampant but oh well

Blizzard’s lack of testing for balance is why we are here, nothing to do with ease of gear.

Dozer you need to try harder with your trolling

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Also not to mention trying to fight ret as a non ret makes you want to not play.

Yeah, but no one is going to actively believe those of us who have been playing Ret and didn’t just reroll for PVP.
Like, I love Paladin as a class, been playing it since I came back during WoD/Legion after I stopped playing during Cata.

I’m honestly happy with the rework, I do think the combo of JV into a free DS with Inqusitior’s Ire attached to it is quite stupid in PVP and I hope Blizzard figures something out instead of just flat nerfs because it’s a wee bit unfair to everyone on both sides for Blizzard to do flat nerfs instead of actually figuring out something that works.

The FoTM rerollers suck though. I just can’t stand people who always reroll and then make the FoTM classes/specs get hosed because complaints start coming in.

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Oh I was being sarcastic, I 100% rerolled for this patch lol.

Sure I had this guy since TBC, only liked playing it in wotlk/cata and WOD.

Let’s be honest most of us saw some changes and it’s looked good, let alone being overtuned.

I meannnnnn, as I said above, I can’t stand the FoTM rerollers but honestly, I get why people do it.
If I hadn’t been maining my Ret since Legion, I’d have probably done the same.
At least Blizz hasn’t touched Ret in PVE. I still get to pump damage in raid and have a grand time.

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Back in the day you had to put a huge amount of time into your character. You had to level it from scratch all the way to max. Then spend weeks on end gearing it. Fotm rerolling wasn’t much of a thing.

Alt-friendliness is a great thing. Sure. But the more alt-friendly the easier it is to reroll into the next OP spec. There’s pros and cons. But that’s the reason it’s so rampant. Why wouldn’t you just reroll when it’s so easy instead of fight an uphill battle as a lesser spec? There were very little rets queueing at all a few weeks ago. Now they’re in every game.

Because leveling is instant compared to other expansions and you can gear full 424 with enough boxes the second you hit 70.
Full honor can be done in roughly an afternoon or two.
Blame Bliz for making it this low effort.

Because of money

Easily been a thing since cata at the minimum.

Why we blaming gear for Blizzard’s terrible balancing?

We had the same gearing in wod and never had this situation

Because rets just that broken.

Maybe I’ve just been playing a long time but I was talking more bc-wrath era. Cata is when leveling started to get a lot easier. WoD had plenty of fotm rerolling all I remember is red buff combat rogues, rmp, god comp, and turbo being everywhere.

And easy gearing infinitely makes fotm rerolling more rampant because it’s a lot easier to roll and alt and gear it lol.

Blizzard has always had bad balancing with wow. There’s always s tier op classes and underperforming classes as well. I’m not defending them. And I think being able to play alts and gear them up relatively quickly is super important to the health of the game. But a con of that is that it makes rerolling to the next op spec that much easier.

Heirloom gear was in wrath, half way through wrath was the lfdungeon tool.

Then you didn’t play it very long, because combat rogues gave way to sin rogues, walking dead was one of the strongest comps around, feral had like 4 or 5 different specs, tsg was very strong, mlx, cupid, thug, and so many other comps.
There wasn’t one spec that ruled them all

Again what we have isn’t this, never has there been 1 spec that the entire meta revolved around, ever.

Troll post is troll. If Mes, an AWC winner and one of the best DKs in the game, switches to ret because of how the spec has been redesigned, that should tell you something. Also, Mes likely won’t play DK in the upcoming AWC, which should also tell you something. Some classes, no matter how good you are, just are not going to perform well in the current meta.

100% you’ve rerolled.