Not my DH.
Our master’s will, be done.
No need to cringe, just take pity on them.
After all, they were a bunch of losers at Life.
Paladins whose Light Forsaken them at a dire moment, to incompetent Warriors who bitten off far more than they could chew in combat, to unlucky Boy Mages who did not live long enough to see the benefits of becoming a Man.
Death Knights are truly a Weak and Pitiful class.
Don’t insult linkin park like that
Death Knights eternally struggle to redeem themselves from the horrific deeds that Arthas raised their dead bodies and forced them to do. We were normal soldiers who died before we were raised and given plot-armor like the other classes.
They were developed for a game releasing in 2008, based on a concept in a game from, what, the 90s? It’s not surprising they’re made of supreme edge.
Your trolling hard, you want to take the Death out of Death-Knight? First off I’m pretty sure your not allowed to role a DK if you use the word cringe
Agreed, death is also toxic positivity.
Even knowing that the OP and a bunch of the replies are making fun, rather than serious, it’s a little too close to real to be funny I’m sure there actually are players that think this which is far more disturbing than death
Too true, which is why I don Argent Crusade colors, tabard, mounts, banners…
And I RP as Light wielding too. Though it does half kill me.
Your mog looks terrific! Also I like that you RP as a Light wielder. When I played D&D I was often thinking outside the box. It’s fun to do. I had dwarf raised by an old halfling monk in a remote monastery. He grew up knowing very little about dwarves so we swapped some of the trained dwarven racials for halfling.
PSH! You’re just jealous.
Yeah but then I’ll be cold.
I so miss the 90s.
Just do what I do in the roleplaying aspect; say screw it.
I’m a Worgen Death Knight, logically I should be edgy and brooding all the time about damn near everything.
I play my main here as a guy just traveling around Azeroth making bad ice puns and enchanting weapons and farming equipment for booze money.