Why are be being forced to choose what era to play in?

I like you.

Also, you’re making the right decision.

IMO, there’s only a handful of things that you “can’t” ever really regain in TBC if you leave your main char in classic: Scarab Lord, Thunderfury, and Atiesh among a few rare things. If you can make peace with not having those in TBC if you have them already, then you’ll be fine. If you don’t have those things, then I don’t see why this is even an issue for anybody.

But if you level up another 60 of your main, you’ll have the opportunity to gear up pretty fast and most of the classic endgame gear becomes obsolete if not outright useless pretty fast.

That’s a ton of farmed items/progress to just throw away imo when the optimal choice is probably to just leave that char in classic and make a new main for TBC.

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They are basically letting you server transfer out. If they cloned then you could just dupe all your gold and supplies which would basically make the vanilla era servers inflated.

So keep all your gold on TBC or keep all your gold on classic era.

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Appreciate that. I’m not quite “on edge” about you. What I mean about “on edge” is preparing for some retort about who I am as character/person simply for having my own mind.

I think I am, too. I was one of those that wouldn’t have minded a “fresh” BC because I view Classic and BC as two different games. So, this “leak” seems to work for both parties via those who want to progress their 60s into Outlands, and those who want a “fresh” start (which I plan on doing).

Right, I don’t have any of those things. But, I will say, my Shaman (in the Standard Game, Alliance) still has the original “of the Elements” set (the Dungeon Set 1, of Classic) despite it no longer being obtainable, in the Standard Game. You can purchase the Replicas via BoA Gear and/or DMF Gear, but I have the ORIGINAL set, name and all.

This is true. I could just replicate my main and transfer her over into BC, but I think I’d like to replicate my BC experience. I didn’t start my WoW journey until BC, so I think it’d be cool to revisit that memory :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Well, I just wouldn’t do any of the end game dungeons and/or raids and just deal with Quest Gear :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

no, you wouldnt be able to do this if blizzard was the one doing the copying and it was all done at once

  1. data storage costs, have to copy every toon multiple times, this will get worse if they end up doing wotlk, cata, mop, etc.
  2. re-rolling in differnet era’s increases time subbed
  3. helps with bots as they also have to choose which era to bot

They’ll just bot all era’s. Thats the thing about bots, is that they aren’t human. Man hours isn’t a problem. They’ll probably focus on the one with the most subs of course, but all will be botted if there is a demand for gold buyers.

lets just accelerate to wotlk as fast as possible

I loved WOTLK but it was insanely easy. I’ll definitely play Classic Wrath if we get it, but I want to enjoy TBC before the content gets faceroll easy.

nope… TBC was the pinnacle of wow… and when wrath comes i will opt out with the rest of the TBC supporters to a tbc era server

wtb paid char copy.

not too interested in tbc and prob wont play at all if i cant copy.

Theres definitely no argument from a player perspective why having copies of your characters would somehow be a bad thing. Its a pure positive from beginning to end. Why would somebody want to be forever locked out of playing both classic and TBC with their character? If you wish to be locked out, just delete your other character and let the rest of us cloners who actually enjoy both games be.

Now obviously from Blizzards perspective they would have a self interest motive in not having tons of player data still remaining on realms. So its obvious why they would not want cloning done. To lower their expenses

But from a player perspective, there is no logical argument against having cloned characters. Anything about lack of players on a dead server would be easily solved by merging servers.

The only arguments against cloning and playing both TBC and Classic on same character are from Blizzards POV, not the playerbase. So its really weird seeing a bunch of people defend it

The real question is why exactly do people think they should be at all entitled to keep their character in a p6 stagnant environment?

As for the OP about whining to get both classic p6 and tbc p1 versions of their current 60…

Now try and build and predict a healthy server population for both the vanilla and tbc servers when people are significantly less tied to the choice to play there.

I had a guildy just yesterday waxing poetic about how nice it would be to have a p6 server where they could take a break FOR A YEAR and come back and play… How the hell do these delusional people expect a server to stay alive longer term when the majority of people may or may not even log the hell back in?

The entire impetus for logging in is the PROGRESSION system inherent to the basic design of the game… Force everyone currently in vanilla to TBC, and launch fresh Vanilla realms for people that wish to play vanilla again. Progression is ultimately necessary for server health. PServers realized that fact ages ago, and adapted.

Classic is suppose to be a “museum piece”, blizzards own words. I also agree with u, mmos need progression but classic was suppose to be an exception. Ur argument is completely reasonable for a modern day mmo, not a museum piece like classic. We also need to let this play out and see how the classic forever servers play out. Perhaps they r dead in 6 months of tbc launch, or maybe they arent and they keep going for a few years.

Texas is way ahead of you.

Yeaaaah but people are being forced to make a choice because Blizzard wants to be cheap.

At the end of the day, I’m happy to level and gear another character. It would have been nice to not have to choose - it would have been a really nice consumer friendly decision but as usual Blizzard went with their pocket.

They never said this. They said it kind of belonging to a museum.

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Might not even be that.

This might be the path of least resistance from a programming standpoint, and the fastest way to get TBC out.

If they do it the opposite way it might take more coding and tweaking to make it work properly.

This could very well be true.

Try looking in the mirror for once.

I wouldn’t necessarily count on this. Some people still might not have downed KT as a guild and will want to hold out until they’ve done it the “Classic” way before making the evolution into TBC.

Moreover, think of all the folks who missed out on their Scarab Lord title. Will Blizzard allow folks another chance at that?