Why are be being forced to choose what era to play in?



Yes, it is called separate accounts. Unless you are suggesting Blizzard Copy the whole of classic which would go against Chucktaurus original suggestion. It wouldn’t be something they could do in that situation.

Ah, I see so that would just end up having all the issue of the original with the exception of dead servers in favor of more name issues.

thats the only copying that should ever be done. selective copying only allows for exploitation, obviously.

In my case it’s somewhat a selfish one.
When I made my decision to play Classic, it was with the full expectation that it was going to remain in Vanilla, it’s the game I enjoyed the most (I ended up quitting WoW all together in TBC), hell even at the time Blizzard was still expecting it to flop and TBC wasn’t anywhere on the horizon at all.

I got into a great guild where some of whom stuck it out in those damned bug hives for the long haul and got me a scarab mount. With the guild moving on to TBC, I’m just supposed to say “So long, thanks for the fish” when there’s a pretty simple solution.

Make it like the PTR, however instead of allowing infinite ability to clone said character, limit it to one time only rather than try and cut corners to gauge demand ahead of time (Which never works, as classic’s launch once again showed).

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I’m so in. TBC is going to be SO fun as a Vulpera! :rofl:


I see this as a victory…

For those whom want to stay in classic will stay ( and stay together)

For those that want to play TBC its our time

Then eventually when wrath comes out you get another choice… Stay in TBC (100% ill stay and I know whomever stays also wants to be active in TBC)
Go to wrath. And so on and so on

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Well Zarx… So you want to force your whole guild to play the version you want?
If your guild is gun ho for classic only you can all stay together in a classic era only server.

Good news though when you make your move to a classic era only server you will be grouped with those that have no interest in TBC!

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How did you get this?

If it’s the title and mount you are worried about…you get to carry those over into TBC.

So really it’s a non-issue.

You can’t fault your guild for wanting to play TBC. Chances are, even if they did allow character copies—a majority of your guild would be dumping all their time into TBC, therefore you wouldn’t even be playing Vanilla with your guild anyways. You would be playing with a bunch of P6 forever randoms.

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stop intentionally misunderstanding people’s point. NO he DOESNT WANT TO FORCE HIS WHOLE GUILD TO PLAY THE VERSION HE WANTS. what kind of idiodic crazy concept is that?

what he wants is the option to play either game whenever he wants on the same character.

of course not. thats not the point.

thats irrelevant

again, irrelevant, and not the point

OR you would just have the OPTION to go back and play vanilla keeping all the progress you made. keyword PROGRESS. something a lot of you dont seem to understand that we dont want to lose it.

I called it sooo long ago Joyson… you remember i know you do…

Your T3 helm you might as well paint the eyes red and make fire come out your mouth because i said it. No Copies.

whats your point? youre at the same mental capacity as blizzard?

Right here:

He wants the “simple solution” of forcing everyone to keep a “clone” in Classic so the people who STAY in Classic can pester the TBC people “Hey when you coming back?!?”

Trust me, though, it’s better this way. Just burn the bridge if you want to play TBC.

You can always go back and reroll on the new Classic servers.

You people are crazy.

Lots of people mentioned that option, including me.

Want a cookie?

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completely schizophrenic insane crazy person concept. what an absolute insane person. and you use that for the basis of your argument?

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Hahahahahah I know right Joyson my jaw dropped.

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If you care about the level 60 progress of your character, then leave it on a classic server.

That’s the only way to go about this. Trust me, you’ll be better off if you just make a decision now, and make a new Pally and get it to 60 and farm PVP honor when honor becomes currency for an epic set of 60 PVP gear.

The only stuff anybody gets to keep into TBC are the titles and rare mounts and rare items like Thunderfury/Atiesh that have some use at 70 and are hard to get.

If having that in TBC matters, then take that char into TBC.

If keeping the “rest of your level 60 progress” (like all the gear/items you use) matters, then leave that char in classic.