Why are Alliance the preferred faction?

Pretty sure you mean Cataclysm Grobbulus, where the population will be post-apocalyptic.

I’m not the one with a tail, goatgirl.

Posts like yours are why I get up in the morning.

Thank you.

Why you play the evil side, when there is a faction of more justice? I can never understand those undead players who uses Savory Deviate Delight to make them human. I mean, why play undead then?

As I mentioned on my first sentence, Raider IO, although I’m not entirely sure how accurate it is but can confirm it’s true about Penance, I made a Horde Character and it feels completely empty.

Unless Blizzard releases actual server statistics, the best we have at the moment is Raider IO.

Lone wolf has moved up to 61% Horde so it seems to update aswell. Perhaps cause the locked Alliance everyone went to Horde? The reason for Lockout.

I found a pve carebear

Amazing how we all know it’s true but not a SINGLE ONE will admit it hahaha

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I respect your use of a very old insult.

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