Why am I getting bounties after being dead?

I go and attack Boralus all the time. Why is it I get a bounty on my head after five Alliance just came after me and put me in the dirt? It makes no sense. Does the threshold required for suddenly getting a bounty not reset on death?

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Bounties have been buggy as far back as I can remember.

I’ll log in to my Garrison. Head to Dazar’alor. Zone into Nazjatar. bam Bounty on me. It’s happened in a similar fashion more times than I can count.

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Getting bountied while you’re a ghost or like right after rez’ing?
Getting while still ghosted might be a weird lag thing.

It does have a random element to it. I have gotten a bounty after running back and killing 1 guy, which was surprising since there were many others hadn’t died and kill more.

Essentially, I rezzed, got on my flying mount, flew for 30 seconds, and then got bountied, and dismounted way in the air. I never once even engaged combat.

Kills share in party, if you are in party even if you are dead you may still get bounty. or maybe targets you damaged just died off or someone killed them so you get count.

Wasn’t in a group. I attack Boralus by myself most of the time. Sometimes I’ll bring people out there with me but it’s rare. This happened while I was completely alone.

you need 10 kills to get assassin buff, then 10 more kills to get bounty without dying.

Uh huh, which is why I’m asking the question ;p I died, came back, and got a bounty 30 seconds after having resurrected, and already been on my flying mount. It’s probably just a bug like the other guy mentioned.

Its bugging sometimes. I’ve gotten bounty while flying and it dismounts you too.

Not necessary , I have got bounty right after logging into the game. It’s bugged .

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Good question. I have gotten bounty flying through the air… thats a fun dismount.

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I was killed just after getting the damage buff for killing 10 players, came back and ressed and became a bounty.

Yep. Makes no sense.

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It’s random lol

Bounties are completely random. If you are in opposite faction territory you can get a bounty. PvP kills has little to do with the bounty itself. If you have the assassin buff you increase your chances of getting a bounty. But it is still random like spinning a wheel and trying to land on a pie slice shaped spot. The assassin buff just makes that slice a bit bigger. I have been in groups where my character got the assassin buff and then 83 more 1v1 kills and everyone else in the group got a bounty besides me.
There is no bug or glitch, it is just completely random.