Why all the hate for twinks?

Because random battlegrounds are random battlegrounds. They’re not intended for people who lack enough skill to PvP at a higher level, that they need to dedicate gearing and enchanting a 4-6 button mashing, low level toon.


Random battlegrounds are intended for anyone who wants to que up casual and random battlegrounds, that is all. If you want a balanced and fair battleground experience then you should que rated battlegrounds… though it appears you are the one who lacks enough skill to PvP at a higher level…



This response though.

Please give me a single class that only uses 4-6 buttons - when played properly - above level…lets say 70.



It’s almost like this guy (and most of the clowns whining about twinks for that matter) have no experience or knowledge of the subject they are so vehemently condemning.

I normally don’t armory bash but you’ve won 185 arena matches and haven’t hit 1550.


We are not asking to get rid of twinks. Just they get moved into the same “skill” bracket as all the other twinks. What is there to worry about? You can still twink to your hearts content!

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There’s no reason too.

But what’s next a bracket for players with BoA’s?

A bracket for players in dungeon gear?

A “new” players bracket?

When does gear matters become clear?

That has never happened. There has been queues for twinks though.

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I’ve twinked. I get bored with it. It’s just a kill fest. I just lost a BFG in 6:43 because of horde twinks, GY getting camped. I’m sorry that is not fun.

Not on this toon. On my level 46 rogue.


Stealth, Vendetta, Garrote, Mutilate, Rupture, Toxic Blade, Marked for Death, Envenom. Eight right there, and that’s just your standard abilities to nuke a target… Didn’t even go into defenses or CC. heh

Edit Forgot MFD

So you lost a game. That happens at max level.

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Get back into your xp off queue where you belong lol

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In case you haven’t noticed, I’m 120.

Why did you start a discussion if you can’t handle it?

I was joking…:roll_eyes: Handle it? You are the one advocating for twinks, and you are all throwing tantrums in case you can’t rick roll lowbies in the future. Once again np with twinks, go obliterate each other.


And before there were twink queues, there we no twink queues - for far longer than they had them.


I hear people either love or hate twinks! That’s so amazing! Wowie wow wow!!!

You’re wrong. Twink queues started in Wrath, they were removed in Legion.

From 3.2 to 7.0

Yes, although if you do the math, there have been combined queues far longer than when they were separated.

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Technically you’re right. Seems to be 7 years each, but with twinks not being separated being a few months longer now.

However, they said before there were twink queues. That would be 7 years with twinks separated, and 5 without.

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