Why all the hate for twinks?

I also find it ironic that the person claiming that I’m not here for a discussion

is the same person that accused me of being someones alt because they didn’t like that I’m using a level 90 and agreeing with someone other than them.


Yours :rofl:

I love how you always disappear until your “friends” arrive.

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3k posts… I never disappear :crazy_face: If I disappear, it’s because I’m sleeping or at work.

Whenever you’re called out, like today, you vanish quicker than anyone. Clockwork predictably at its finest.

Wouldn’t be such a problem for you if you didn’t insist on spamming nonsense in every thread you see just to up that “3k” post count.:thinking:

Was posting on work breaks. What did I miss?


Tian, this is what I’m referring to. People who just want attention.

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“First, before I start QQ’ing about this, I have to say one thing - by ‘twinks’ I mean fully loomed and enchanted characters.”

“Now twinks, the players that enchant their weapons and resilience gear - called “Heirlooms”. Those players ruin the learning experience of players learning the game because they simply STEP on normal players. Their crit chances are in the 40%'s and they just face-roll and own the less experienced players.”

The Twink response,
Franchi- (famous 29)- "We (twinks) said many times that heirlooms would become the new go to issue for anyone who got stomped in low lvl bgs. we were right.
“There are about 50 threads on this subject in this forum, post in one of those, don’t make a new one.”


So I’m here, what do you think I vanished from?

Are you actually blind? You even quoted the part that makes you look silly.

"Yes I know that twinks are players with the best possible blue/purple gear and not leveling people with looms but that is what I’m going to call them in this thread.

I should clarify because you probably don’t know why I think that makes you look silly.

I am asking for complaints about twinks. First, you give me a complaint about heirlooms, then I ask again for complaints about TWINKS.

So you return with someone calling people who level with heirloom twinks, fully knowing that’s not what a twink is.



Now shoo! We’re having a discussion. Go back to the RNG thread and talk more about how you hate vendors or something.


You do not have enough knowledge on the subject.
You look like a big noob TBH man.

That’d hurt if it didn’t come from someone who just made themselves look like a fool twice in a row.

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Unidan #2 knows that’s not what they are. His example too was one of many where twinks were so desperate to be re-merged that they made threads pretending to be a leveler, pretending there was a problem in hopes to Buffalo the devs. It didn’t work.

The tears on these forums about Twinks have never stopped mon!

Yet somehow, you can’t find any?


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There are many, you should see that?
It is actually funny to actually see someone who claims Twinks were never complained about since Wrath-BFA.
Big Noob. :rofl:

I’m not seeing any from you.

Why am I not surprised?

Now shoo!

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Yeah, no. There aren’t. You claim there’s many, but you can’t find any.

Replying to you is actually beginning to make me sad.
For you, of course, but still.

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I see a side convo with you and Tia, that’s about it.

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