Why all the hate 4 shadowlands/?

Why all the hate? shadowlands imo is one of my favorite expansions. I like the different covenants as well.

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Unban Crusader or we rito.

I don’t hate SL. BfA I hated. SL could be a lot better, but it’s def no BfA.


I truthfully hate both equally. Shadowlands I more so hate because the story is honestly just extremely mediocre and boring, the mobs are boring as well. PvP wise I think both expansions have major issues with borrowed power (was corruptions and Azerite pieces in BFA, now it’s conduits and covenant abilities in Shadowlands).

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BfA was better than SL.

BfA was not good either, it was a steaming pile of dog :poop:. But it was better than this misery.


Any day rather a dog than a squirrel tearing up my apartment.

That’s the BFA/SL equivalent.

I don’t know if it was.

Bro. Just no. Just…I can’t.


What was so bad about BFA that SL didn’t literally copy and make worse.

And don’t say corruptions, because I honestly think that was the more balanced part of the expac once everyone was able to get it.

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I really, really wish they split Corrupted into two seasons and made the corruption items resuable. Like, you buy a +12% vers corruption, apply it to every slot and can experiment with it instead of having to commit like 50k echoes and being unable to change it.

It would’ve been fun to mess around with for pvp, keys and raids.

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I really enjoyed the corruptions once it was accessible, no cap. 2 seasons would’ve been great too, since I was still experimenting with full mastery MM near the last 2 months of the season (and god was that fun with sniper shot on tolviron lmfao)

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Yeah, the rng aspect initially was bad, and then there’s the rotating vendor that you had to sit on your hands and wait for, then the sheer amount of time to farm the echoes by massacring low mmr games.

Healing was better/more fun in BfA than SL.

DPS jobs feel identical.

They’re both awful.


Weird how RNG is literally always the problem every expac that it’s a thing.

Like 100% of hte time when your gearing is RNG based, the expac sucks.

Healing this expansion feels much, much worse. DPS jobs feel the same.

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I guess they want people to feel excited to get a cool thing but a lot of people just kind of look at how they’ll never really get bis (realistically) and don’t bother.

People dying kind of being super out of your hands doesn’t feel great.

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Me sitting here farming 364 Tol Dagor’s before I got my vers/mast ring :nauseated_face:

I bet you did! It was never meant to be accessed as much as you accessed it, cheater


BfA had double gpy spamming fire mages for one. Then there were rdruids living full openers from 2 dps pressing every cd in their book just sitting in bear form. Then there were the afk rshams in ghost wolf tanking dps for 5 minutes. Oh and the double tank trinket melee that were literally unkillable. Then the crucible raid that gave us Livelord jawah best Ret NA who was a walking raid boss. Then the 100% hasted Destros. Let’s not forget the 50% dam reduction when stunned full versa corruptions. Oh and every game was 15 minutes long. Then the full master prot paladins that would literally kill any caster who dared look at them with reflected damage. Then there were the absolutely awful Visions with random annoying cc effects. Oh and the rotating vendor who sold what you wanted once every 6 weeks. Also all of the PvE gear people had to farm and abuse every season. Probably tons of other trash I am forgetting.

Edit: Also forgot about a ferals pants proccing and killing me with a 70k crit iirc. Also forgot about blade dance dodge. Will update with more BfA shenanigans if I remember them.

Edit2: scaling was just lol dumb to the nth degree

At least in SL PvP gear is bis for PvP and if someone plays wrong they’ll die and not get coddled by such severely overtuned tankiness they can still extend the game out for another 10 minutes and waste everyones time and sanity.


Everything that was spec design was just boring stuff. Doesn’t mean the game was bad, just playing INTO it was boring if you didn’t have the right comp. I don’t know too much of the tank trinkets, I didn’t play s1-3.

Corruptions was hit or miss with certain specs. Sure Haste/mast stack destros were unbelievably toxic, but you could still beat them reliably with the correct strats. Corruptions just amplified already bad balancing, doesn’t make Corruptions inherently bad.

Torghast is Visions of N’zoth 2.0, except more random. Random corruptions, as I said, weren’t a problem once it became accessible.

PVE gear needing to be farmed has kind of been a constant for a long time. Do I agree that it was very bad for PVP? Sure. But I relate that to the inability to buy your PVP gear and only being able to earn one piece a week.

I would any day rather take a damp meta where I’m bored versus things than a meta where I’m dying to monkeys who have both hands tied behind their backs because they only have 2-3 buttons to press.

Man you’er gonna hate to learn that I never used it on ladder, just like Novoz, and Inviable was the one abusing it 24/7. Like damn, watched this guy literally abuse it in group and fake a dc to pretend to lose it o.o Stay mad.