Why 0 word on transfers?

Read my post above.

When you’ve been no-lifing the game, one week is a lot of effort to just throw away.

its too late the quitters already reroll and the hardcore are staying where they are.

If Classic lasts the same amount of time as Vanilla it will be 2 years. So figure 100 weeks.

Do you really want to stick with bad server when it means sacrificing just 1% of your total playtime in Classic?

Doesn’t matter. A person is going to be much less inclined to reroll after investing in their character. Thems just the facts.

On retail, I don’t have a problem rerolling. The levels come easy, the professions are mostly meaningless, etc, etc. In Classic, that’s a different story.

We’re talking just 1 week’s worth of progression.

Doesn’t really matter if it’s Retail or Classic. Leveling speed is irrelevant, because the sacrifice I’m talking about is measured in time /played, not levels gained.

A week played is a week played whether you played it in Retail or Classic.

All you would be sacrificing to re-roll at this point is one week.